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As soon as your shift ended, you got in your car and headed straight to the address that Jisung gave you. You parked across from his house, next to the curb, then you called Ki-Bum.

"Hey, Y/N." He answered.

"Hey, Ki-Bum," you sighed. "Something came up with my case and I'm not going to be home until sometime in the morning."

"Okay. How early?" He asked.

"I'll probably be back at eight. I'm keeping watch, so I'll have to stay all night."

"Okay, that's fine," he said. "Just be safe, okay?"

"I will," you told him. "I love you."

"I love you too, Y/N."

You hung up and set your phone down in your lap. It was already eight forty-five, and it was already dark, meaning it would be harder for someone to see you sitting in your car. Not only did Jisung have his address on his file, he had his rank in the company, his department, and every single personal thing that a gang would need. You were starting to feel that Jisung being incredibly good at his job was the reason for his potential recruiting to this gang.

Four a.m. came around, and you were starting to get restless. Nothing remotely suspicious was happening, and you were sure that Jisung was sleeping like a baby. You were about to shift to be more comfortable in your seat, when you saw headlights and a black GMC Yukon park next to Jisung's house. You waited for about five minutes, then two car doors opened, and two men got out.

You put a mask on and slowly opened the car door, but when you caught a glimpse of the gun one of them had in the back of their pants, you shut the door and picked up your pace. At the sound, both of them turned around, and the one with the gun pulled it out. You ran to him and grabbed his wrist, twisting it in a certain way to make his grip loose, that way you could grab the gun. You threw it to the side and kneed the guy in the stomach, while the other tried to hit you. You dodged him and threw the first guy into him, making them both fall onto the ground.

You bent down and grabbed both of their collars, picking them up off the ground slightly. "Let's go."

They stumbled up to their feet as you dragged them to your car, after picking up the gun you had previously thrown aside, but you didn't expect the sudden hit to your back, and a hard push to the ground following it. This gave them the opportunity to run to their car and speed off, leaving you angry and disappointed in yourself. So, you kept watch until eight, just to be sure that Jisung was safe.

You left the neighborhood at eight o'clock and headed back home. You were exhausted and angry, so when you walked through the door with your shoulders slumped, Ki-Bum immediately stood up from the couch.

"What happened?"

You couldn't tell if he was talking about the tiredness in your eyes, or the scrape that you definitely had on your cheek bone from being pushed face-first into the ground. "Two guys came to the house of the person I'm undercover for, I caught them, but they caught me off guard and got away."

He crossed his arms. "And you're taking it out on yourself?"

"Yes," you replied shortly. "I had them in my grip, and they got away."

"But the person you're undercover for is safe, right? That's all that matters, because you'll catch these guys eventually."

You nodded slowly. "I know. Thank you."

He patted your back and you went to your bedroom. You wanted to sleep so desperately, but you knew that you had things to do. So instead of sleeping, you took a shower and got ready for work. The worst part about those guys getting away, was that you weren't sure if you'd be able to identify them if you saw them again. It was too dark, and you were a bit too occupied to truly get a decent look at their faces.

You groaned as you walked out of your bedroom, and Ki-Bum followed you into the kitchen. "You know you can't have this attitude all day?"

"I know, I just- I don't like failing, especially when someone else's life is on the line."

He smiled gently. "And that's what makes you so good at your job. Now go to work and have a great day."

He sent you on your way, so you went to the agency before you could do anything else. You walked in with your head down and to your boss' office, closing it a little too hard.

"Um, bad morning?" He spoke.

You sighed and sat down in front of him. "Yes."

"Why do you have a scrape on your cheek?"

You told him what happened, from the arrival of their car, to the moment they sped off. "I'm sorry I let them get away, sir."

"What matters is that you and Jisung are safe, because I know you, and you never fail to catch a suspect, whether it's sooner or later."

You nodded slowly as you stood up and headed to the door. "I'll work harder next time."

"Y/N," he said, making you turn around. "Please don't take this out on yourself. It will drive you crazy, and make sure you cover that scrape up."

You nodded again. "Yes, sir. I'll update you later."

He gave you a simple nod that dismissed you, so you readied yourself for the exhausting shift ahead of you.


a/n: extra update since i'm on break:)

Secrets; Han Jisung. ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora