thirty four.

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Once Blade got you into her autopsy room, she immediately started working on your wounds. She stopped the bleeding and cleaned your neck wound first, putting a large bandage over it. Then she took x-rays to see if your shoulder blade was fractured from the impact, which it was. So she cleaned the bullet hole and put a bandage over it, and she would put your arm in a sling once you woke up.

She made sure to make one of her autopsy tables comfortable so it would ease your discomfort a little bit, but it didn't help your pain.

When you finally woke up, you were nearly in tears at the immediate pain you felt. Not only the physical pain, but the pain of knowing you let your father get away with Jisung. As you sat up on the table, you heard everyone whispering and turned your body to fully listen to the conservation.

"She could've died, Minho! We're lucky that she still had a pulse when we got in there." Seungmin whisper yelled.

"Jisung is gone because of her! How are you not mad!" He replied.

You watched Chan push his hair back tiredly. "We'll find him."

"Maybe if Y/N didn't go off by herself and ruin the plan, Jisung wouldn't be gone and she wouldn't be in the shape she is. Or maybe-" As he was talking, Changbin noticed that you were awake and tried to get Minho to shut up. "She could've stayed away from us."

"Or maybe," Felix started. "You could stop being so rude to her! She's putting herself in danger more than us! She could've had us all go into that room, but she didn't. She went in there by herself and took all the beating that could've been brought onto us!"

Minho rolled his eyes. "She only went in there because she was being selfish and forgetting the plan."

"That she made up!" Hyunjin snapped. "She made that plan up, if she found that there needed to be a change to it, she had every right!"

"Okay, then how did we even get dragged into her battle then?" He questioned.

"Because she's part of this family now, and we are not going to let her go through this alone." Chan growled. "We all know that if Y/N could've stopped them from taking Jisung, she would've."

The autopsy doors opened, and Blade smiled when she saw you. "Y/N, you're awake!"

All of the boys turned to you, except for Changbin who was shaking his head in disappointment. You made direct eye contact with Minho, the look on your face making some of the color flush from his face. The combination of tiredness, pain, rage, and dread in your expression taking everyone by surprise: you almost looked numb.

"How long have you been awake?" Jeongin asked.

"She's been awake long enough." Changbin groaned.

Minho smacked his arm. "Why didn't you say anything!"

"I tried!" Changbin exclaimed. "Everyone was too busy arguing."

Blade walked over to you and gave you a sympathetic look, even though you weren't taking your eyes off of Minho. She took notice to how you were subconsciously rubbing at your tattoo, and grabbed your shirt off of the other autopsy table. She helped you put it on and put your arm in the sling, and you quietly thanked her. You finally took your eyes off of him when you got off the table and went to the mirror, staring at the large patch on your neck.

Blade came up behind you. "It wasn't deep enough for stitches, so that's what will help most. Your shoulder blade is also fractured from the impact of the bullet, so you'll need to wear that for about six weeks." She told you.

You nodded and kept your head down as you walked over to the boys, grabbing Minho by the arm and trying to get him out of the autopsy room, but he pulled out of your grip.

"Whatever you want to say can be said in front of everyone." He said, but you didn't say anything. "Or were you going to apologize because you might have to add another name to your shoulder?"

The numbness you felt didn't stop your eyes from watering, and even though you were hurt, you pushed Minho aggressively. "Why would you even say that!" You cried.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled. "I wasn't thinking-"

"Yes, you were." You whispered, swallowing the sob that was about to surface. "None of your names will be added to my tattoo, because God help me, I will protect all eight of you even if it means that I have to die. Don't you dare think that I just let them walk out of there with Jisung, because if I could've fought through the pain, I would've."

You were starting to crumble, and Chan caught you as you couldn't hold yourself up anymore. "Hey, it's okay. This isn't your fault." He whispered.

"Maybe it is." You whispered. "Maybe my mom blames me, too."

Minho shook his head. "She doesn't blame you, Y/N."

You looked at him and took a deep breath. "You do."

Then you were out again, so Chan carried you to the table. Minho walked over to you, and Blade looked at him.

"Give her a break, Minho. There's so much more to her life than any of you know about, and yelling at her isn't making her pain any better." Blade said.

"How long have you guys been friends?" He asked.

"Since we were babies." She replied. "And trust me, she would never put anyone in danger on purpose. She will always put you guys before herself, and that's how she'll always be. So next time you blame her for something, remember that she'd still take a bullet for you, even after the things you've said to her."

Blade patted his back and left the autopsy room, leaving you with the boys. Minho reached up and tucked some hair behind your ear, hoping you could feel the gentle touch of his fingertips.


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