thirty six.

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As soon as the sentence left Felix's mouth, you and Changmin moved in, you kicking the door to the hotel room in. "Federal agents! Put your hands on your head and get on the floor!" You yelled.

Kei and Daejung did so, and Changmin didn't hesitate on cuffing them; it felt like there was a weight that was lifted off your shoulders at the sight. However, your father just stood there, his hand on a tied up Jisung's shoulder. Jisung had a busted lip, but that looked like the only physical injury he had.

"You're not even going to say hello, Y/N?" Your father smiled.

"No. I'm not." You replied. "Put your hands on your head, now."

"You know I can't do that. I just got out of prison."

"That's not my fault." You deadpanned, putting your gun away.

"Y/N, what are you-"

Your father cut Jisung off by pulling hard on his hair, and you clenched your jaw. "Get your hands off of him."

"Would you rather me put them on you?" Your father asked. "Because I will."

You nodded. "Yeah, I would."

He gave you that smug look and let go of Jisung's hair, then he walked around the chair and slowly made his way towards you. When he was close enough to touch you, you grabbed his arm and kneed him in the stomach, then you elbowed him in the back to make him fall to the floor. You kept your foot in the middle of his back as you cuffed him, then you yanked him up and shoved him into the wall.

"I would rather you shoot me, Y/N."

"I want you to suffer like you've made your own family suffer." You growled. "You will never touch an innocent soul again, and I will make sure of it."

You shoved him out of the door, where Changmin was waiting for him. You ran over to Jisung and untied him from the chair, and he immediately wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Did he hit you?" You whispered.

"Only once." He replied. "I knew you'd find me."

You smiled. "Thank you for believing in me."

He pulled away and kissed you, taking you by surprise, but you didn't resist, instead you melted into the kiss. You let him cup your face with the most gentle touch you had ever felt, and your hand ended up at the nape of his neck.

You pulled away and rested your forehead on his. "The guys are waiting for you."

He nodded and held your hand as the two of you left the room and met everyone outside. You watched with a small smile on your face as the boys surrounded him and gave him hugs. The brotherhood they had for each other would be forever, and it warmed your heart to know that they had each other's backs.

You slipped away and got in Changmin's car, driving back to the agency where everyone would be questioned. As soon as he took off, the boys noticed you were gone, and Jisung asked Riku where you went.

"She went with Changmin to question our perpetrators." He replied. "You want me to take you, don't you?"

Jisung nodded and whispered something to the guys before leaving with Riku. When they got there, you were already questioning your father. They watched from behind the glass, your voice emitting from the intercom in the observation room.

"I just want to know why you wanted me and Mom dead." You said. "The sooner you tell me, the faster this is over with."

"You wouldn't understand." He whispered. "You couldn't comprehend it, the pain I felt."

"The pain you felt?" You scoffed. "Are you forgetting that I witnessed my mother get shot while she was tied up in that chair. Are you forgetting that I had to wash her blood off of my body?"

"Y/N watched her mother die?" Jisung asked.

"Yeah," Riku whispered. "She was undercover with her mother, and when they followed the suspects into a warehouse, they grabbed Y/N and forced her to watch them shoot her mom. Y/N couldn't stop crying in the ambulance. She's never hyperventilated before, but she did that night."

"Are you forgetting about my little girl!" Your father yelled.

It caught you off guard, the mention of your little sister. "Of course not, she was my sister! I think about her everyday!"

"You and your mother killed her! Seoyoon is dead because of your cluelessness!"

"She was sick, Dad! There was nothing we could've done!" You snapped. "You know that Mom and I would've saved her if we could've."

"But you didn't!" He slammed on the table. "And the two of you needed to pay for it!"

"You killed Mom because Seoyoon passed away from cancer? Seriously?" You yelled, standing up. "Seoyoon fought her hardest, all of us did!"

"Your mother pulled the plug on my baby!"

"Because Seoyoon was suffering! She needed to be let free, Dad!" You cried as Changmin came in. "I miss her, everyday. If I could bring her back I would, and I would bring Mom back, too!" Changmin was dragging you out of the room. "We could've gotten through the pain as a family, but you killed Mom. Both of them were innocent angels that didn't deserve to die!"

Tears were falling from your eyes as your father just smirked at you.

Changmin shut the door to the interrogation room. You saw Jisung and immediately went to him, letting him hold your head against his chest.

"He can't hurt you anymore." He whispered. "You're safe with me, I promise."

Changmin ordered for the both of you to go home, and he held you close to him the whole way out to the car. As you were driving, he reached over and put a comforting hand on your knee.

"You had a sister?" He asked, his voice quiet.

"Yeah," you sniffled. "She passed away five years ago, she was only seven. She had Leukemia and it got the best of her."

"I'm so sorry." He said. "Do you have a tattoo dedicated to her?"

You nodded. "Behind my ear."

He moved his hand to your hair, so he could push it back, but he stopped, so you nodded, telling him that he could look. He pushed your hair back and looked at the beautiful ink placed nicely behind your ear.

"How come you didn't tell me about your sister, or how your mom passed away?" He asked. "Not that you needed to, really."

"Everyone has secrets, and sometimes it's just too difficult to talk about them."

You pulled into the driveway, and before you could get out of the car, Jisung pulled you in to kiss you again. He even bit your lip before pulling away, then he smiled a smile that was completely contradictory to his previous action.

"There's a surprise for you inside!" He exclaimed. "Come on, let's go."


a/n: i'm so glad that you guys enjoy this book so far. it means a lot to me🥺🤍

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