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"Y/N, you can't just assume that this guy is bad news."

You threw a punch to Riku's ribs. "Yes, I can. Have you forgotten that I can read body language and micro expressions? This guys body language was completely cool and relaxed, but his micro expressions said that he was interested in Jisung, and that he was at Shik AI for a reason he wasn't letting surface."


"Riku, you're a personal trainer, not a field agent." He paused and lost his stance, so you kneed him in the stomach and watched him fall, pinning his arms behind his back and pushing his chest into the mat. "I have to be able to take every opportunity that comes my way."

He groaned as you let go of his arm, and you helped him up to his feet as he held his stomach. "And you sure know how to."

You held your hands out and smiled. "I learned from the best."

He smiled. "You're not gonna think I'm the best after your new work out regimen."

"You changed it again?" You asked.

"I had to, Y/N. Your old one wasn't benefitting you anymore. You advance fast, and you have been ever since you started training with me."

You sighed. "Okay, lets do it, then."

You were surprised you could walk correctly after the new regimen Riku gave you. It was much more tedious than your last, and you were grateful that no one in your department noticed the change in your step.

"Good morning, beautiful." Jeongwu chirped.

Jisung leaned back in his chair to look at Jeongwu. "If you keep flirting with her, she might just pull your own knife on you, Jeongwu."

Jeongwu scoffed. "She wouldn't be able to find it again."

"You keep it in your coat pocket now, Jeongwu."

He looked at you and slapped his thighs. "Are you like a wizard, or something? Quit doing that."

You laughed along with everyone else in the room, catching a glance of Felix from the other side of the glass doors. Of course, he was looking right at Jisung, and you tilted your head at him. You noticed that he didn't have anything in his hands, and he seemed to just be walking around, so you stepped out of the department and walked up to him.

"Hey, you look lost." You said.

He turned to look at you and smiled. "No, I'm just trying to remember where everything is."

You nodded. "Okay, well if you need some help, let me know."

You were about to walk off, but he spoke up. "Actually, can you tell me where the tech room is?"

You looked at him for a moment. "Of course."

You walked him to the tech room, and after he had shut the door, you rushed back to your department. You set up your laptop and started hacking into the system, trying to see what Felix could be doing.

"Everything okay?" Eunjae asked.

You turned to look at her for a moment. "Everything's great."

You looked back at your screen and watched him click into the employee files, and he went straight to his file, which you knew he would do. Before he could delete it, you quickly downloaded his file to your computer. After he 'deleted it', he logged off, and you got out of the tech room computer.

You did, however, go to your files and pull up the newly downloaded file that belonged to Felix. You found yourself getting more and more angry as you read over it, thinking about the fact that there was no way the information on his file was valid.

You knew making assumptions in your field of work wasn't always smart, but you could see it in Felix's eyes; the looks he gave Jisung, the dangerousness that he hid in them.

"You're sexy when you're mad."

You turned in your chair to give Jeongwu a look, and once you made eye contact with him, he held his hands up in defense and looked at his computer again.

You examined Felix and Jisung closely since, to your dismay, they sat with each other. You didn't want to disrupt whatever was happening, because you could get something from their interactions, as far as clues and leads, but your agent mode was turned on. You looked for micro expressions and changes in his body language, and you almost didn't catch the split second change in his expression.

It only lasted for a second, but you caught the smirk he had on his face. He knew exactly what he was doing as he was talking to Jisung, but so did you. Felix was trying to gain Jisung's trust and lure him in, but you weren't about to let that happen.

You wanted to step in and get in the conversation, but you didn't want to risk the possibility of getting information from the blossoming friendship between the two. So, you decided on keeping Jisung safe from afar, and not stepping in too early to blow leads on the case.

Later that night, Ki-Bum had called you, and you happily answered your phone. "Good evening, Ki/Bum."

"Hello to you too, Y/N." He laughed. "Sorry I haven't been back yet. I've been doing some stuff with the kids."

"I totally understand. Work is important."

He made a sound of agreement. "I should be back over soon, if that's okay."

"Ki-Bum, you know this is always your home, too."

"Sure, but you're the one risking your life to pay rent."

You chuckled. "You make it sound like my job is death defying."

"It can be. I'm always worried about you."

You sighed and sat down on your couch. "I know you are, but I'm okay."

He laughed on the other side of the line. "You're always okay."

After the two of you said goodbye, you put more comfortable clothes on and slipped into your bed, the luxury of sleep coming to you quite slowly.


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