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As soon as you walked into Shik AI, something felt off, but you tried to ignore it as you went to your department. You quietly walked in and went straight to Jisung.

"Good morning." You whispered.

He gave you a small smile. "Morning."

"Can I do something to your computer really quick?" You asked.

He nodded, so you put your flash drive into his computer, and it opened an antivirus software.


"Yeah," You replied. "Someone hacked into your computer recently, and tricked you into clicking on an 'antivirus' advertisement, but it gave you a virus and let them into your computer."

"Oh," He said. "How do you know this ones safe?"

"I made it."

His jaw dropped slightly. "You know how to program?"

You smiled. "Yeah."

After you finished deleting the virus off of his computer, you took your flash drive out and he thanked you. As you stood back up and looked out the window, you noticed a brown headed man walking into the building.

You turned to everyone in your department. "Excuse me, I'll be right back."

You walked out the door and stood in front of it, watching the man closely. You knew exactly who he was, but you stayed calm to keep your cover intact. He slowly walked up to you and tried to open the door behind you, but you gently grabbed his wrist.

"If you don't have an ID, I can't let you in." You told him.

He smiled. "Not even for me?"

You smiled back, sarcastically. "Absolutely not."

He frowned and straightened up. "I'm here for a very good reason."

"I'm going to have to escort you out, sir."

He raised an eyebrow. "Fine."

He turned and started walking, and you noticed how he reached back and put his hand on his lower back. You grabbed his wrist and got right behind him.

"I know you have a gun on you. I don't know why the detectors didn't go off, but I saw it from the moment you walked into the door. If you come back, I will call the police."

You got outside and grabbed the gun from the back of his pants. "You must be very good at what you do."

"I am." You said. "If you come back, I am calling the police, do you understand?"

"I understand."

You crossed your arms and watched him walk off, getting in that familiar black Yukon. You took the clip out and cocked the gun, ejecting the shell in the chamber. Once he drove off, you went back inside and handed the gun to one of the women at the detectors.

"Can you make sure these are working?" You asked. "That man just got in here with this."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Thank you," You smiled. "Could you also give it back to me?"


You gave her a small nod as another 'thank you', and went back to your department.

"Did that guy have a gun?" Jiyeon asked.

"Yes." You replied.

"That's so weird." Jisung began. "He was our previous security guard."

On your lunch break, you went straight to the tech room to look at some files. You logged in and searched for the file of the last security guard, but you couldn't find it. Which meant that the outage was also a distraction from the deletion of his file. You were almost certain that this guy was a big deal, and the way he just listened to you, made you uneasy.

You logged out and left the tech room, and you jumped when you saw Jisung outside the door. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He laughed.

You smiled. "It's fine, I just didn't expect you to be there."

"I was just wondering why someone would want to hack into my computer." He said.

"Well," you sighed. "It could be for a number of reasons. You're very talented in your field of work, so they could've wanted your softwares, but it's hard to tell why someone would really hack into your computer." You lied.

He pursed his lips. "It should be fine now, right?"

"It should be, yes. If someone wants to hack you again, they're going to have to get through a very complicated firewall."

"Okay, good." He nodded. "Thank you."

"Of course. It's my job to keep you safe."

He smiled. "Aren't you hungry?"

"A little." You admitted.

"Let's go get some lunch."

You nodded and walked with him across the street to a dumpling restaurant. You were seated and your orders were taken, then Jisung leaned over the table.

"How old are you actually?" He asked.

"How old are you?"

He narrowed his eyes. "I asked first."

"I'm nineteen." You told him.

"Me too!" He gasped.

You laughed lightly and shook your head. "How did you get into a business like Shik AI so young?"

"I did internships at different computer companies during school, while I was taking tests in order to graduate early. My hard work paid off, because I was called about a month after I graduated and was asked to work for Shik AI."

"Thats amazing. A lot of people aren't considered intelligent enough even after applying, but they called you."

"I thought it was a prank call at first." He laughed. "How about you? How did you get in the authority business so early?"

"The same as you actually. I was working hard, and I only got more determined as time went on."

"You're very good at what you do." He complimented. "Did people take you seriously when you started?"

"No. Since I'm a woman and I was so young, they didn't think I would be able to do anything useful. I just did my job and they eventually started respecting me."

That was true, just without the mention of the agency, where your respect was actually earned, rather than security business. Your food came out, and the two of you just talked about random things as you ate.

You felt that he was so sweet and lovable, which meant that Jisung was probably doing something without knowing it, and it made him a desired target to this gang.


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