twenty six.

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You went down to the basement and took the handcuffs off ByungChul, only so you could redo them and walk him out of the house.

"I'd rather you shoot me." He mumbled.

You clicked your tongue. "I don't get trigger happy."

The boys watched you as you walked out of the basement and out the front door, putting him in the cop car that was waiting for him. Once they left, you turned to Changmin as he opened his arms for a hug. You fell into his embrace, the fatherly feel you got from him making you feel safe.

"I really have been busy, or I would've called. You know that." You said.

"I know." He whispered, patting your hair down. "I know."

You looked up and saw that he was crying, and you laughed to yourself. "Don't do that. It'll make me cry, Changmin."

"I am just so thankful, Y/N. I know we were supposed to be against this gang because they were a threat, but-" his voice broke. "They saved your life, and I am going to shake their hands myself."

You smiled as he kissed your forehead and left you to go to the boys. You watched as he gratefully shook all of their hands, and the sight itself made you tear up. The boys invited him inside, so you went as well and sat on the rug in the living room.

"Y/N, I put you on leave, so you don't have to worry about losing your job." Changmin said.

You nodded. "Thank you, sir."

"And let me get this clear," he paused. "Your father gave two men orders to kill your mother, and because of ByungChul, you know their names?"

"Yes, sir. Seungmin is running them through the database now." You replied. "And yes, he did want my mom dead. Now, he wants me dead."

He made a noise of acknowledgement and pulled something out of his bag, handing it to you. It didn't take you long to realize that it was your mothers gun.

"You find the men that took your mothers life." He stood up. "And you find your father and let him know just how much damage he did. You're on leave, and I have no control over what you do with your free time."

He patted your head and thanked the boys one more time before leaving.

"Did he just tell you that you could pretty much kill them?" Changbin asked.

"No," You smiled. "He told me to bring them to justice. However, if they try to harm you, or me, then that's a different story."

You put your moms gun in a very safe place before you went out to join the boys for dinner. You sat down at the table and waited with everyone else, enjoying the together time you were getting with them.

"I never asked, but what is everyone's job in this gang?" You asked.

"Well," Seungmin started. "Since Chan is the leader, he guides us, always makes sure we're safe, plans our missions out. Jeongin and I are in charge of technology, and Jisung, eventually. Felix and Changbin are in charge of handling our weapons. Hyunjin is usually our distracter, if not that, he's usually helping with weapons and combat, along with Minho. All of us are in charge of emergency medical and backup, however."

You nodded slowly. "It's good that Jisung's going to be handling computers. He's good at it."

"We know. That's why we wanted to recruit him." Chan said from the kitchen. "Even though we all have certain roles, we're all trained to help in whatever area we're needed in."

He set plates down for everyone, and you all thanked him. You were nearly done with your food, when the computer started going off, meaning that the database had made matches to the two men. You ran towards the computer, Jeongin following you. He typed a few things, and each of their files came up, and you made sure to take a good look at the pictures.

"So?" Jisung asked from the table.

You smiled angrily, poking the inside of your cheek with your tongue. "They both work at Shik AI."

"You never noticed them?" Hyunjin asked.

You turned to him and pursed your lips. "I wasn't really paying attention to their faces, I was-"

You cut yourself short, finally realizing what you were about to say, and how bad it hurt as it nearly came up your throat. The boys saw your distress and didn't push it any further.

"What are you gonna do now?" Minho asked.

"I'm going to Shik AI in the morning." You said. "With backup."

"Who's your backup?" Chan asked.

"Doesn't matter to me." You said, taking your plate to the kitchen and cleaning your dish.

You headed to your room, and you heard the guys fighting over who would be your backup, and it made you giggle. Before you could even sit on your bed, they all came rushing to your doorway. You sat down on your bed and looked up at all of them.

"Yes?" You smiled.

"Can't we all go?" Jisung asked.

"Sure, Ji." You replied.

Minho scoffed sassily. "Then what was the point of making us fight over it?"

"I didn't make you fight over anything." You said. "All I said was that I didn't care who came as my backup. You guys fought on your own, and it was cute."

"But we can all come?" Jeongin asked, and you nodded in response.

They all jumped excitedly and ran away from your room, except for Jisung, who sat on your bed with you.

"You're so pretty." He whispered.

You looked over and smiled. "That was random."

"I just thought you should know." He kissed your forehead and stood up. "Goodnight, Y/N."

"Goodnight, Jisung."

He turned your light off for you and shut your door, so you crawled under your blankets and smiled as you looked out your window.

"These are some sweet boys, Y/N."

Your smile deepened as your mothers voice rang through your head. "Aren't they?"


Secrets; Han Jisung. ✔Where stories live. Discover now