twenty nine.

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It was early the next morning, and you couldn't sleep, so you were watching the sun rise into the pink and orange sky from your window. Your arm was on the window sill, your head resting on your arm.

You didn't even hear your door open and close, but you did notice when Jisung sat next to you. "Can't sleep?" He asked.

"No." You sighed. "You?"

"I woke up to check on you."

You smiled and lifted your head to look at him. "You check on me in the morning?"

"Of course I do." He replied, a sweet smile on his face.

"Thank you, Jisung."

You put your head on his shoulder, and his hand went to your hair to play with it. "What kept you up?"

"I'm just wondering why my father wanted to kill my mom. She was the best woman I've ever met." You told him. "Joshua and Jinwoo wouldn't tell me anything, even after I brought up their family or lack of. Jinwoo just sat there, and Joshua sobbed."

"Well," he whispered. "He had people try to kill you, and you're the most amazing woman I've ever met."

You smiled weakly. "I want her back, Ji. I wish she was still here, so that I could hug her again, and hear her laugh again."

He kissed your head. "I know you do, but I'm sure she would want you to stay strong, and break these guys."

"Yeah." You said. "You're right."

Both of you got off your floor and left your bedroom, heading down to the basement. When you turned the corner of the stairs and faced the men, you froze in your spot, sighing deeply.

Both of them were dead.

"First of all, how did a killer get into this house and make zero noise? Second of all, how did we not hear anyone scream?" Chan questioned.

"We must've all been asleep-"

"You weren't." Minho snapped. "You were in the kitchen getting water at three this morning."

You turned and walked up to him. "That means you were awake too, Minho. Do you really think I would kill the people who know why my mother is dead?!" You exclaimed.

Jisung pulled you back and you stared at Minho. "I'm sure he didn't mean anything by that-"

"Oh, I did." Minho cut Jisung off. "Ever since she's been in this house, bad things have been happening!"

"I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, Minho! If I knew this would happen, do you really think I would purposely put you guys through this?!" You thrashed in Jisung's grip. "I wasn't even brought here by free will!"

"You didn't have to stay!" He screamed.

It got quiet at that statement, and Jisung's hands left your arms. "Maybe I won't stay."

"No." Chan said. "No one is going anywhere. This isn't anybody's fault, okay? Let's just get these guys out of here."

You looked over at the two men, their throats slashed open, and looked down. "I have a friend I can call. She's an ME."

"Why?" Hyunjin asked. "It's pretty clear what the cause of death is."

"Sure, but it's good to be thorough-"

You cut yourself off when you saw the basement window, seeing as it was shattered. You walked up to it and stood on the table to look at it closer.

"This window isn't big, but someone managed to get through it. There's blood on the glass shards- Chan call local hospitals to see if anyone with cuts on their body checked into the hospital, please." You said. "I'll call my friend and get these guys out of here."

You hopped off the table and headed for the stairs, but Minho grabbed your arm and pulled you back. "You're gonna clean up this blood."

You yanked your arm out of his grip. "Why wouldn't I?"

He watched you walk up the stairs, biting his bottom lip angrily. Once you were in the living room, you called Blade. Her real name was Li Biyu, but her nickname had been Blade ever since she started doing autopsies.

"Y/N! Hello!" She chirped through the phone. "How are you?"

"I could be better. I was wondering if you could do a couple autopsies for me?"

"If you buy me lunch first." She joked.

You laughed. "I will buy you lunch, Blade."

"Thank goodness. I'm famished." She sighed. "Give me the address and you and I can load the bodies."

You gave her the address and hung up once she said she was on her way. While you waited, you took a quick shower and changed, then you put your gun in your holster and went back into the living room.

The doorbell rang and you happily opened it, holding your arms out to Blade. She fell into your arms dramatically, making you laugh.

"Oh, how I've missed my favorite federal agent!" She cried.

"It's good to see you too, Blade." She left your embrace and looked at you expectantly. "The bodies are in the basement."

She raised her eyebrows. "Gruesome."

She followed you down into the basement, and she made a sound of surprise once she saw all the boys. "What?" You asked.

"What have you been up to?"

You smacked her arm and she gasped. "Nothing, Blade. They're my friends."

At the sound of another person's voice, the boys turned around and looked at Blade curiously. You quickly introduced everyone, and showed Blade to the bodies.

"Whoever did this was extremely angry." She said.

"Yeah." You sighed. "There's blood on the window shards over there, if you want to swab it."

She nodded. "Let's bag the bodies first."

She threw you some gloves, so you put them on and helped her put the cadavers into the body bags. She swabbed the blood from the window and put it in a small container, then she tagged all of the evidence.

"Okay." She smiled. "Let's roll."


Secrets; Han Jisung. ✔Where stories live. Discover now