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You woke up with a throbbing pain in your neck, and you went to reach up and touch it, but was cut short due to the tight metal around your wrists. The room you were in was lit up surprisingly well, and there was a nice couch to your right.

Unfortunately, you were stuck in an uncomfortable metal chair, with handcuffs around your wrists. You let your head fall back as the door started to open, but you didn't really care to see who was coming in; you already knew who it was.

"Thanks for the shot in my neck. Do I get a lollipop, Doctor?" You asked bitterly as you looked towards the door.

Chan smiled sarcastically. "Only Minho's apparently."

"Good one." You bit.

He kneeled down in front of you. "Why were you following my car yesterday?"

"Why would I waste my time following you around?"

"Acting bad isn't gonna get you anywhere." He said.

"Same for you." You replied. "Where's Jisung?"

"Somewhere in the house. Where are your credentials, Agent L/N."

"Where are your manners, Christopher Bang?"

He jerked you forward by the arm and leaned in. "I know that you're not a security guard- you're an undercover agent for Yoon Changmin. Now, why were you following my car yesterday?"

"What makes you think I'm an agent?" You asked.

"Jisung was talking about you at the party, and I got curious, so I had Seungmin run you through the database. It only got worse when Minho asked why the 'dancer he had sex with' was on our computer screen." He paused. "Using him to get close to us? So low."

"I wasn't using him." You smirked. "He had good game."

"Yeah? Well I have better game, so why don't you start talking with that pretty mouth of yours?"

"What if I don't?"

"I'll have Hyunjin hunt your brother down in that safe house you put him in."

You felt your anger surface and thrashed out of Chan's grip. "I wanted to see if Jeongin was associated with you. He was the only one I could identify through the database."

Chan got up and started pacing. "How'd you get his name in the first place."

"Jisung told me he made new friends at the party, so I asked for their names because I knew it was you guys."

He hummed from behind you and you sighed angrily. "Y/N?"

"What?" You snapped.

He got back in front of you, and you looked up at him. "I really don't have you here to hurt you. The only reason you're handcuffed is because I knew you'd resist. I just want to know your connection with Jisung."

"I wanna know yours first."

Chan nodded and sighed. "Okay. We've been looking for another computer geek for the gang. When Shik AI posted their article about Jisung, I knew I needed to get closer in order to see what he was capable of. So, I took the security job for his department, and I immediately wanted to recruit him. Your turn."

"My boss called me on the case because Jisung was in danger of being a potential target to a gang. I went undercover, and my main priority is to keep him safe- is Jisung safe, Chan?"

"He's safe, Y/N. I promise."

"I want to see him."

He nodded. "We might as well get your neck cleaned up while we're at it, but if you think about-"

"Trying to escape- blah blah. I get it."

He undid your handcuffs and you rubbed your wrists to ease the pain. He walked you out of the room and into the kitchen and living room area, where all the other boys were playing video games. He told you to sit on the counter, so you did as you observed everyone.

Chan accidentally shut one of the cabinets a little too hard, and everyone looked in your direction, so Felix smiled and walked over to you.

"How's your neck?" He asked.

"Hurts. How's your stomach?" You replied.


You smiled. "Good."

You caught a glimpse of Jisung, and he had the most adorable confused look on his face. "What are you doing here, Y/N?" He asked.

"I'm not here because I want to be." You said.

He walked over to you and looked at your neck. "What happened?"

"Your friend Felix stabbed me with a syringe."

Jisung looked at Felix, and Felix threw his hands up. "She punched me!"

"I wanna talk about how she's not even a dancer, and she totally played me at the club the other night!" Minho shouted.

Chan started cleaning your neck up as Jisung looked back at you again. "What's he talking about?"

"I'll tell you about it in a second."

Chan finished cleaning your neck up, and you hopped off the counter as you mumbled a 'thank you' to him. You grabbed Jisung's wrist and took him into what you found was a bathroom, and shut the door.

You looked at him and sighed. "I've been undercover for you for a couple of weeks. My boss put me on the case, saying that you were a potential target to gang members, and of course, my job was and is to protect you. We don't know what these guys are capable of-"

"They're not bad people, Y/N."

"You haven't even known most of them for three days!" You whisper-yelled.

"It doesn't matter." He snapped. "My instincts are good. I know when someone is bad news."

You sighed and leaned back into the door. "Keep looking through your rose colored glasses, Jisung, and see what happens."

You started to walk out of the bathroom, but he pulled you back in and shut the door. "What was Minho talking about?"


"Yes, seriously. I'm curious."

You sighed and crossed your arms. "The day you and Felix went to go meet up with Minho at the club, I went to see what he was up to, and I had to do what I had to do in order to distract him."

"How'd you know we were going to the club?"

You turned around and opened the door. "I hacked into your phone."

"And read my messages?"

Your whirled on him and made direct eye contact. "Yes, Jisung, and read your messages. What if they were trying to drug and kill you that night, and if I hadn't checked your phone, or I wasn't watching on the security cameras, you wouldn't be here! Did you know that Hyunjin tried to drug you at that party the other night? I am trying to protect you, Jisung."

"Because you have to, Y/N." He mumbled. "Not because you care."

"Fine, since I don't care, tell your 'friends' to let me go home. You can stay here by yourself and see what happens."

You slammed the bathroom door and left Jisung confused. He didn't know why you yelling at him hurt his feelings, but he definitely felt bad for yelling at you.


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