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Chan walked through the large house, his shoes making noise against the clean marble floor. He found everyone in the living room and sat down with them.

"We need to get Jisung in our circle somehow." He said.

Changbin leaned forward. "It seems like he's a very protected man. He's almost untouchable."

"Almost." Chan said. "He would be an amazing asset to this team, but we need his trust first."

"Okay," Seungmin started. "How do we do that?"

"One of you has to become friends with him." Chan said.

"What about Changbin? Him and Jisung are close in age." Jeongin suggested.

"No." Minho shook his head. "Changbin looks suspicious already."

Changbin scrunched his eyebrows. "Because I wear black?"

Minho nodded towards him and Chan leaned forward again. "What about Felix? He's unsuspecting."

Felix nodded. "I don't mind."

"I didn't find any prints on the gun." You told your boss as you leaned on his desk.

"That's unfortunate. We could've gotten much further with his prints."

"And he's the previous security guard of my department, but his file was removed, more likely deleted."

"So, we have zero leads and you've crossed paths with him twice? Why didn't you arrest him the second time?"

You raised an eyebrow. "Sir, I thought about it, but if we arrest him, he's not going to give us information. We have to work our way into it and get what we want from him."

"I'm glad that you realized that." He nodded. "I was hoping you would."

You looked down at your watch and noticed it was time to head to Shik AI. "I should get going. I'll update you."

He made a shooing motion with his hand. "Go work hard and have a good day."

You smiled and left his office, walking out to your car. It didn't take you too long to get to Shik AI, and you walked into your department with a smile on your face.

"Someone's happy." Daeun pointed out.

"It's been a good day so far." You replied.

Jeongwu wiggled his eyebrows. "I bet she has a boyfriend."

You crossed your arms. "I'm single, Jeongwu."

"Was that an open invitation?" He asked.

"Absolutely not."

He pouted and turned back to his computer, angrily typing something. You looked over and caught eyes with Jisung for a moment, and he made a goofy face at you, making you laugh to yourself. You turned to face the glass doors, and you saw your boss approaching them with a young man by his side.

You stepped out of your department and smiled gently at Mr. Yoon. "Good morning, sir."

"Morning, Y/N. Could you show him around the building? He's new, but I'm extremely busy right now and unfortunately, I don't have the time to show him around myself. I'm terribly sorry for this inconvenience."

"I don't mind at all. I'll gladly show him around."

Mr. Yoon smiled gratefully at you, and as he walked off, you took notice as to how the young man in front of you was looking into the department, right at Jisung. You instantly observed his body language, which seemed relaxed and collected, but you couldn't help but feel protective of Jisung.

"Would you like to get started?" You asked.

He looked at you and smiled. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize that I zoned out, but yes, I would love to."

You started walking, and he stayed close to your side. "I'm Y/N, by the way."

"Felix. It's nice to meet you." He said, and you gave him a small smile and nod. "How long have you been here?"

"Almost a week." You replied.

"You look like you've been here much longer."

You looked over at him, your head tilted. "What makes you say that?"

"You just look very professional, as if you've been here for a long time and you know what you're doing."

You smiled and looked back in front of you. "Well, thank you."

After you had showed him around the building, which took about an hour, you brought him back to Mr. Yoon's office.

"Thank you for showing me around, Y/N."

"Of course." You smiled. "If you ever need anything, just let me know."

He nodded and disappeared into the office, and you stared at the door for a moment. You could feel that there was something off with him. Not like an assumption that he was bad, type of feeling, but a feeling that he definitely had different motives. He seemed like a very sweet person, but the way he was looking at Jisung previously made you uneasy.

So, you stepped into an empty hallway and called your boss. "Yes, Y/N?"

"Can you run a name in the system for me?"

"Sure, what's the name?"

"Felix. I don't have a last name, but he should have a file in the Shik AI employee documents. It's his first day on the job."

"Okay. I'll run it and get back to you."

You hung up and put your phone back in your pocket, heading back to your department. When you walked in, everyone looked at you expectantly.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" You questioned.

Jeongwu wiggled his eyebrows, for the second time that morning. "Who was that?"

"Mr. Yoon's new assistant." You told him.

He nodded and finally turned back to his computer. Throughout the rest of your shift, you saw Felix walk by several times, with nothing particularly important to do, and he seemed to always peek into your department.

You plopped onto your couch when you got home and looked at the breathtaking painting of you and your family. You kept your eyes on your mother's features, remembering them so fondly.

'Thinking outside of the box is overrated. Think inside of the box, too. Sometimes it's as simple as that: seeing it for the bleak outline it is.'

You sat up at the realization of old words your mother had said to you. There was a way around Felix, and there was a way around his facade.

And if anyone was going to work their way around him, it was you.


a/n: an extra update for you guys<3

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