Bonus Chapter

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Alice's vision

"It doesn't matter what I show you. You've already made your choice," Alice said, taking her hand from Aro's. The Volturi leader smiled and she turned to her family behind her, "Now," she mouthed.

Bella and Jacob knee what that meant as Renesmee gripped Jacob's fur. Bella gave her daughter a last kiss before sending them off. Alice sent a kick to Aro, causing him to fly back with the force of her kick. Everything was frozen as he fell into the snow. It wasn't until he landed and growled at Alice that everything errupted into chaos.

Marie pulled Lillian into the field, the other witches protecting her as she connected mentally with the young witch. It had taken only a few minutes, but Lillian soon appeared beside Marie, confusion written clearly all over her face. She looked over at the Voodoo priestess, the question of how she got there in her eyes.

"We will need you, Cherie. This fight cannot be won without you," Marie explained. The witches disassembled and began tearing their way through the Volturi, each taking to a group of their allies to protect them. Marie left with them, releasing Lillian from her hold.

"What are you doing here? Where's the baby," Jasper demanded as he met up with his mate.

"Marie called me here. Something big is going to happen and they need me. William is with Landon and Charlotte now, they warded the house," she explained. He relaxed knowing his son was safe, but the edge he felt with his mate in harm's way remained.

"You are in no condition to fight," he told her before grabbing a Volturi member and wrapping them in a choke hold. With a sharp twist, the guard's head was detached from his body and his head was thrown far away.

"I can fight," she argued before grabbing another. She turned the snow under her into spikes of ice. The guard fell onto the spikes and as the spikes sprung apart, the guard was diced into six different pieces, "See."

"I stand corrected," Jasper smiled. They kissed for a moment before fighting against more of the guard that came towards them.

A cry of terror halted Lillian as she searched for the source. Bree was in the hold of Felix and he was out for blood. Lillian struggled to get to the girl she had raised like a daughter. Two guards were able to grab her while she was distracted, keeping her from Bree. She was forced to watch in horror as Felix ripped the girl apart, leaving nothing intact.

The guards released Lillian then, both prepared to strike and kill. However, something dark entered Lillian again and this time she didn't fight it. The snow turned black under her and the witches began shouting to their allies to steer clear of Lillian. The black snow turned into an ink-like substance and grabbed the two guards. It entered their body, tearing through them. Within moments they fell, dead without dismemberment.

Lillian rose from her knees and the ground began trembling and the snow began floating as if gravity did not exist. The snow wrapped around each of the Volturi members, pushing them all into one group. The snow remained a circle around them, keeping them all from leaving their corral.

"Lillian," Jasper cried out, but Marie shook her head.

"She has kept this darkness long enough. That tie she kept did not disappear with her father, it only grew stronger. It wants release and she will give it just that."

Aro stared at the girl in a mix of fear and wonder. He had let something so powerful slip through his fingers. He watched as her eyes filled with the black ink substance, reflecting his guards' horror struck faces. She threw her arms out and let out a cry of anguish as flames of blue and purple reached out to the Volturi. Their screams of pain mixed with her own until it was complete silence. The entire Volturi lay in the snow as dust. Gone forever.

Lillian felt the darkness leave and collapsed, unconscious in the snow. Jasper rushed to his mate, grabbing her in his arms. The witches followed and gathered around them. Lillian was not breathing. They joined hands and began chanting, giving a part of themselves to the young witch.

The vampire blood in her system infused with the magic of the witches gave to Lillian. Together, blood and magic, her heart began to beat. Her chest rose and fell as she began breathing once again. Jasper waited until her eyes were open and staring into his before kissing her. The witches had not only brought Lillian back, but had pieced Bree together and restored her immortality. Bree crawled to Jasper and Lillian, rejoicing at being alive again. Lillian cried happy tears, one hand in Marie's and the other in Bree's.

She was alive, their family was safe and no one would have to endure the wrath of the Volturi ever again.

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