Chapter 33- Return

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"Dad," I asked, stepping onto the porch

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"Dad," I asked, stepping onto the porch. He turned around, facing me fully. He looked the same as always. I stepped up to him until I was directly in front of him, "Dad."

He pulled me into a hug and I broke down in his arms. I sobbed into his shoulder, holding onto him for support as I did. He just held me, letting me get all of my tears out. I knew I was making a scene, but all that mattered was that my father was back.

"Lilian," I heard him say, his voice accented and gruff sounding. I pulled back enough to look up at him, "We should get inside."

I nodded before letting him lead me inside, Landon and Charlotte following behind us. We all sat in the living room, me between Landon and my dad while Charlotte sat in the recliner. She lit a cigarette before placing it in her cigarette holder.

"I don't know where to start," I said in a small voice, "It's been a long time. Last time I saw you-," I stopped. I looked up at him, realizing that the last time he saw me I was covered in my mother's blood.

"It wasn't your fault, Lilian. I spent all these years tracking down that beast. He won't be hurting any more families," he told me. Landon took my hand, knowing that I needed the comforting touch. My father notice, "This is the boy Charlotte has been telling me about? The human boy?"

"You've been talking to him," I asked Charlotte, "For how long," I demanded. She remained silent so I turned to my dad.

"Since she took you in. I forbade her from telling you because it's better you thought I ran. I was in a terrible place in life and I didn't want to bring you down."

"You don't get to make that choice. You're my dad. Did you not think I needed you in my life," I questioned. I pulled from Landon to stand up, anger pulsing through me. I had been lied to again by Charlotte. She had kept my father's locations secret from me, letting me think he didn't love me, that he had left because of what I did, "I had lost my mother and was taken in by Charlotte, but even with her parenting I could have used my father."

"Lilian, it was better for everyone. We all needed to move past what happened. I had my way and you needed to find your way," he replied, rising from the couch as well. I shook my head, angry tears now replacing the joyous ones, "Lilian, please, I didn't come back to relive the past and my mistakes. I came back for you, to finally be there for you."

"Well, you a few years too late," I spat before turning on my heel and heading upstairs to my room. When I was in the safety of my room with the door closed, I fell to my knees, sobbing. I had planned this reunion in my head and in no scenario I had went through did it go like this.

I heard a soft knock on the door and then it creaked open. I looked over my shoulder to find Landon standing there, "Want some company," he asked me. I shrugged and he shut the door behind him before sitting beside me on the floor.

"You understand why I got upset, right?"

"Of course, but also I know that you've missed your father and he's finally back. I would hate to see you lose this opportunity," he said to me. I leaned on his shoulder, sighing. We sat like that for a few minutes before we stood up to head back downstairs. Landon held my hand as we went down to the living room. My dad was sitting where I had left him with Charlotte gone.

When my dad saw us enter, he quickly stood back up, "I haven't forgiven you or Charlotte yet, but I'm not going to waste whatever time I have with you on shutting down because of how upset I am."

"I'm here until you want me gone. Charlotte has already agreed to house me."

"But we only have three bedrooms."

"Looks like I'm bunking with your boyfriend," my dad smirked before looking over at Landon. Landon swallowed nervously, obviously scared of the idea. There was a knock at the door and he went to go answer it, "Lilian, you have a visitor."

I walked around the corner, finding Jasper in the doorway. I walked up and grabbed the door from my dad before trying to close it. Jasper slammed his hand against the door, stopping me, "Please, Lilian, I've come to apologize."

"You can keep apologizing, Jasper, but I won't accept any of it. You have brought me nothing, but pain and lies. Go fuck yourself," I hissed, "Offendo retro."

He flew back from the door and I shut it, locking it as well before placing a protection against vampires on the door. My dad looked confused, apparently Charlotte had left out what had happened, "Who was that?"

"That was her ex Jasper," Landon answered.

"The vampire?"

"Don't worry. I won't be associating myself with them anymore," I assured him, "He's nothing to me."

Landon kissed my head, "You two lovebirds still have school," Charlotte spoke, "That means homework and studying."

I led Landon upstairs as I saw our stuff was already laid out, "I miss being homeschooled," I sighed. Landon laughed before plopping down on the bed, reclining on the pillows as he grabbed a book. It was the Catcher and the Rye. I grabbed the other as I laid on Landon's lap, reading at my own pace. I was maybe three fourths of the way through the book when tiredness weighed down on me. I marked my page before shutting the book.

"How are you so fast at reading," Landon asked, showing that he was barely halfway through. I looked up at him, smiling wide.

"Cause I'm smart," I teased. He rolled his eyes before attacking my face with kisses. I giggled as he pecked me with kisses. I heard someone knock on the door, making Landon stop.

"That doesn't sound like studying," Charlotte spoke from the other side of the door. Landon and I shared a look before laughing together. We remove the papers and textbooks from the bed before climbing under the covers, both of us suddenly tired. I curled up in Landon's arms, wrapping my arm around his torso while his wrapped around me.

"Promise you won't leave me unless you have to tomorrow," I said to Landon.

"I promise I won't leave your side."

"Thank you."

𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 ◌ 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 ◌ 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃Where stories live. Discover now