Chapter 3- Dreams

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I had woken up some time in the night, finding that Charlotte had already retired for the evening

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I had woken up some time in the night, finding that Charlotte had already retired for the evening. I padded downstairs, my stomach growling from lack of food. I crept into the kitchen, opening the fridge to find the leftovers from what Charlotte had made earlier. I heard a mew below me and I looked down to find Mana was there, looking up at me expectantly.

"You already ate, Mana," I whispered to her. She mewed again, but louder. I sighed, grabbing a small tin can from inside the fridge. I shut the door silently before walking over to Mana's food bowl. I dumped the contents of the can into her food bowl before throwing away the can. I decided to eat some ice cream, not knowing what else to eat that was quiet. As I sat in the darkness, munching on the banana pudding ice cream, I felt like I was being watched.

I looked over my shoulder, but no one was outside. I frowned, returning back to my ice cream. When I finished, Mana was ready to go upstairs. I carried her, both of us yawning as we approached the bedroom door. She leapt from my arms, quickly finding her way onto her own bed. As I laid back down in mine, I felt like I did in the tub yesterday. I closed my eyes, only to open them in a new place. I looked around, finding I was in a facility of some type.

I saw a guy run past me and soon my feet began carrying on after him. I had no control over my body, but soon I realized we were being chased and I began running on my own. The person in uniform before me kept looking over his shoulder, fear evident on his face. He burst through the door at the very top of the stairs, taking us to a roof. Before he could move anywhere, he was pulled down by an unseen hand. I didn't dare turn around as his screams echoed around us.

When his screams finally finished, I turned around to find he was dead. His neck and arms had been torn into. The bites, however were too small to be an animal's. This couldn't have been a mountain lion or any animal like that. What kind of monster could have done this? I felt an arm on my shoulder and I turned, finding a blur there. Before I could focus in on what the person looked like, a growl escaped them and a I felt a blinding, hot pain in my neck as they bit into it.

I sat up in bed, screaming. My hands flew to my neck, but nothing was different. No bite marks, no blood, nothing. Charlotte burst into the room, looking around, "What is going on in here," she demanded.

"Just a bad dream," I sighed. She nodded, looking at me weirdly before leaving the room. I ran my hand through my hair as I struggled to breathe normally. I looked over at the alarm clock, finding it was an hour until I had to leave for school. I pushed the blankets from my body, deciding a bath would do me good.

I grabbed the clothes I needed before heading off into the bathroom. I started up the tub before stripping out of my clothes. I sunk into the hot bath and began washing away the dream. I hated nightmares, especially the ones that got as vivid as that one. When I finished in the bath I changed into my school clothes.

𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 ◌ 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 ◌ 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃Where stories live. Discover now