Chapter 53- The Italians

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The Italians

"Push," Landon urged as I held onto the bed frame

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"Push," Landon urged as I held onto the bed frame. I let out a scream with my efforts, but I felt like nothing was happening.

"I can't keep going," I panted, breathing heavily with the energy I had exerted.

"Lilian, you have to keep going," Landon told me, taking my hand. I sighed before releasing his hand to grab the bed frame. I took a couple deep breaths before pushing with all my might. The scream I let out was unlike anything I had ever let out before.

"I see a head," Charlotte shouted. Carlisle would have been here, but with some scolding about protecting family, he left with Esme and the others.

I kept going and eventually I felt a weight slip from me. I stopped pushing and Landon went to work on a healing spell. I heard the cry of the baby, making me sit up to find him. Charlotte wrapped him in a blanket, staring down at it with an odd look on her face.

"Let me see him," I begged. Charlotte handed the baby to me and as I took in the eyes, mouth and pink skin, I frowned. I realized what Landon saw. When I looked up at him, he was already looking at me.

"It's pretty obvious," he nodded. I looked back down at the baby with curly blonde hair and gold and hazel heterochromia eyes. The resemblance to Jasper was clear, but the gilded eye made me nervous already. Golden eyes from vampires meant vegetarian diet but for a baby who hasn't consumed blood, I wondered what it meant.

"Can I-," Charlotte trailed off. I nodded, handing the baby to her. She cooed at the babe, making it gurgle back in communication.

"I was thinking of naming him William," I smiled. It had been my dad's middle name as well as my grandfather's name. Plus it was a strong name. Charlotte smiled back.

"Jasper will love it."

I left them to go clean up. When I started the water, I heard Marie's voice call out to me. I felt a fog wash over my brain and when I became myself again, I saw I was on the battlefield with everyone else. Marie nodded over to Aro, who was speaking with Alice. I walked across the snow to them, barefoot with the bottom half of my dress a bloody mess.

"Lilian, I see we came at an extraordinary moment. How is the babe," Aro asked. I didn't answer before looking at Alice.

"Marie knows you need me," I half explained. She didn't seem surprised and I knew she had seen this happening.

"Aro has just seen my vision. He knows what will happen. Now with you here, he knows he has no chance."

I looked at Aro and saw the flash of fear in his eyes. Alice wrapped me around in a side hug before backing up.

"Not so fast, Alice. We still had a deal, no," Aro asked, looking at me with an outstretched hand, "Your time has come, Lilian."

I looked at Alice for an explanation. With a grim look, she gave one, "Bree fed on and killed a wolf," she told me.

"You said if she slipped that you would join our ranks. This deal must be upheld. Join us, or we will be forced to fight. This one, we will win,"

I felt my panic surge as I realized what it would mean. I could either bring William and lose him to the Volturi's brainwashing. Or I could leave him here and never see him again. The ground began trembling and some of the guards began muttering nervously. Alice put a comforting hand on my should, knowing my decision already. My eye burned with tears I could not shed, that I wouldn't shed here in front of Aro. I took a step forward, Aro grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Stop," Landon called out from across the field. I turned around as everyone began talking amongst themselves. Landon ran over to us, nearly out of breath when he arrived. He looked over at Alice and she gave him a nod. I looked at both of them in confusion until it suddenly clicked with Alice leading me away. I shook free of her and ran back to Landon.

"Don't be stupid," I hissed at him.

"Lillian, for once I'm actually being smart. You shouldn't have to give up your son and family. The Salvatore School couldn't give me answers that I needed. These people can. They've seen things, been places, and probably have something that could answer those questions. Let me do this for you," he said. I threw my arms around him, ignoring Aro's impatience.

When we pulled away, he kissed my forehead and pushed me to Alice with his mind. He took Aro's outstretched hand and they retreated into the woods in a black blur. Alice allowed me to collapse then. I cried out, sobbing hysterically in her arms. Eventually Rosalie took me from Alice and led me back to the house. My cried mixed with William's and I went to find him. Charlotte handed him over without hesitation, knowing it was what I needed.

"Where is-," Rosalie cut her off with a shake of her head. Charlotte sucked in a breath, realizing what had happened. She opened her mouth to say something, but Marie entered the room and silenced her.

"Cherie, he did a brave thing. I am sorry you had to lose him, but I promise this isn't the last time your paths will cross," she vowed. I gave her a grateful smile before going to rock William.

After a few minutes passed, the room cleared and Jasper walked in. William was sound asleep, soft snores coming from him. Jasper stood by my side and I knew by the pause he had that he noticed the eyes as well.

"Does it make you nervous too," I asked as I kept my eyes focused on William's face. Jasper's hand clasped my shoulder and I looked up at him then. There was only happiness etched on his face, no worry or anxiety.

"Not at all. Landon told me before he left that I would see something I might not understand, but to know that it's not a bad thing. I see what he meant, and he was right. I still love you and our William."

"He is more like his mother than his father," Marie spoke from the doorway. We both looked at her in confusion, "Part witch while part vampire. A dormancy of his werewolf side remains just like it did with you, cherie."

"Are you sure? Is that even possible," Jasper asked.

"Everything is possible when magic is involved," Marie cackled before winking at me. I blushed and looked back down at William to see he was awake. He reached out a hand, up to Jasper and gave a frustrated grunt. Jasper looked down and with a smile, let William grasp his finger with his tiny hands.

"Jasper, Carlisle needs to-," Rosalie paused as she looked at William where his toys began floating around him, "Okay, I did not see that coming."

Jasper took his hand from William and moved to go to Rosalie, but stopped as William began to cry. I watched as his eyes shifted to a hazel color, showing his witch genes. A nearby vase flew across the room, smashing to bits near Rosalie. Jasper held his hand back out to William and his cries stopped. I looked up at Jasper, "I did not see that coming."

"This definitely will be interesting," Jasper nodded, both if us staring back down at the smiling baby. Rosalie left to tell Carlisle, leaving us alone once more. A warlock, werewolf, vampire baby. We had made a tribrid.

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