Chapter 52- Merry Christmas

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(I couldn't find a gif of Hope from the Santa episode so this is second best

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(I couldn't find a gif of Hope from the Santa episode so this is second best.)

Warning: Spoilers to Legacies Season 1 and 2 in this chapter. I will mark when to skip with an ×

Christmas. I didn't enjoy it much, just due to the fact that I never had my parents around. It was just a reminder of what I didn't have. What I took from myself.

However, Esme was big on Christmas it seemed like, as was everyone else. Bella had decided to take Renesmee to Charlie's to celebrate which meant Jacob was tagging along with them. Jasper had taken to helping Rosalie decorate for the holidays while the other vamps trained for the possibility of a fight. I stuck with the witches, brewing potions and such which didn't feel very festive to me.

"Smile, cherie," Marie urged with a warm smile as I removed the petals of some roses. I gave her a weak excuse for a smile, but she accepted it.

"We'll be victorious, Lilian," Nia assured, "The vamps won't know what hit them."

"Not like I'm going to know," I muttered, glaring at the pile of petals I had made. Charlotte rubbed my back comfortingly, but it wasn't doing anything for me. She seemed to pick up on it because she turned me around, arms wrapped around me in a hug.

"Lilian, you're too important. This baby is top priority. Don't worry about us, or this fight. We all can handle ourselves," she told me. I just nodded before leaving the room. I went outside, finding night had fallen already. I guess we had been working longer than I had originally thought. I walked over to where a few wolves were gathered around a fire, needing some distraction.

"I'm personally hoping for a fight. We haven't fought vampires since the 80's," an older wolf was saying as I approached. He gave me a nod of acknowledgement as I stood beside him.

"It's nice to see that vamps are willing to fight other vamps like this. Still makes me nervous," a girl responded.

"How's the baby," one of the younger wolves asked, causing everyone to look at me. I wrapped my arms over my bump, shivering against the warmth of the fire.

"Baby is great. I wish I could be out there with all of you. I've been benched, unfortunately," I spoke.

"Don't worry, it'll be a short fight if there even is one," the older wolf replied. I sighed, his words still not making me feel better. I held my hands out to the fire and I watched as the flames pointed towards me, brushing against the tips of my fingers. With the touch of fire, I felt a wave of energy flow through me and swirl in my stomach.

"Looks like you still have it," a familiar voice stated. I spun around, finding Landon standing there. I stepped away from the wolves, approaching him cautiously. His eyes were on my stomach, no doubt thinking of how it came to be. The guilt I felt made me stop a few feet from where he was, not dating to be closer.

"What are you doing here," I asked him.

"Charlotte called, informed me on everything that happened. I knew you wouldn't be too happy to be benched. So, I cleared it with my headmaster and came to see you," he answered, "I've missed you."

I crossed the open space between us as he said those words and threw my arms around him as he wrapped me in a hug, "I didn't think I'd ever see you again," I said into his shoulder.

"I told you it wasn't goodbye. Besides, someone's got to make sure that you stay on the sidelines," he teased. He stiffened for a moment and I pulled back to find Jasper standing beside us.

"Glad to see you could make it," Jasper spoke first. Landon gave him a nod, "Were you here to fight?"

"No, Charlotte told me about Lilian's state. She suggested someone stay with her. I got on the first flight out here," Landon replied. Another moment of silence.

"Jasper, we need some pointers," one of the wolves called out, slicing through the tense air. I nearly sighed with relief as Jasper shouted he would be there soon. Jasper kissed my head before walking away. It didn't slip my attention when Landon visibly relaxed once he was gone. Guess some things never change.

"I thought you would have gotten over that," I muttered.

"I thought I would have too, but turns out it's not gone. I still love you, Lilian, but we are both meant for different people," he said. I searched his face and quickly realized he was hiding something. With a tint of red on his cheeks, I knew what it was. I hit his shoulder with a grin.



He told me all about his time at the school he had gone to. Apparently, Salvatore School for the gifted was definitely that. They had vampires, werewolves, witches and even tribrids. Landon has found a girl named Hope Mikaelson that he instantly fell for. I didn't miss his comment of how similar we looked, but I didn't comment on it myself.

I was just happy he was happy. The only thing that made me nervous was this Malivore thing he spoke of. A black pit that made people forget whatever or whoever went inside it. Apparently, Hope had jumped in, believing it would be enough to close it. It had been, but Malivore spit her out and began sending monsters again. They were interested now in Landon since he had some tie to the monster called Malivore.

× No spoilers after this point

I couldn't deny I was jealous of this Hope Mikaelson, but he was happy and I was happy with Jasper. Things were finally right. We went back to the house and talked all night about his life in Mystic Falls. Everything was perfect.

Jasper and Bree spent Christmas talking with the other vampires, witches and wolves. They had swapped war stories and stories of their life before and after their turn. With Landon and I safe inside and alone it seemed like nothing could go wrong.

I mean, our numbers and surprises of werewolves and witches gave us an upper hand, but we were still walking into war. As much as I feared for my family's safety, there was nothing I could do. I had hated the group's decision to take me out of the fight, but it was logical.

With war arriving when the sun did, I didn't think anything else could go wrong. Then something popped and pain raked my body like nothing I had ever felt before. 4 months early my baby was coming and no one was prepared. Especially me.

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