Chapter 7- La Push, Baby

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La Push, Baby

Bella decided the best way for her to avoid Edward was to bring me along everywhere

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Bella decided the best way for her to avoid Edward was to bring me along everywhere. A voice of reason is what she called me. I really think she just wanted company, despite how I told her I didn't do friends. Since she took me wherever she went, that meant I had to join her table for lunch.

"La Push, baby. You in," Eric asked.

"Should I know what that means," Bella questioned.

"La Push beach, down on the Quileute rez. We're all going after school. Big swell coming in."

"And I don't just surf the internet," Eric said, jumping on the seat as he acted like it was a surf board.

"Eric, you stood up once. On a foam board," Jessica spoke.

"There's whale watching, too. Come with." Angela told Bella, trying to persuade her.

"La Push, baby."

"I'll go if you stop saying that," Bella replied before walking off. I stood there, awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

"You're invited too, of course," Angela spoke first, breaking the tension. I smiled at her.

"Thanks, I miss surfing," I said, sitting beside her.

"You surf," Jessica asked, trying to be polite.

"Um, yeah. Charlotte and I moved to Miami for a few months. I learned how to surf while I was there. I might be a little rusty, though."

"Well, the more the merrier."

"Is it true that you're friends with Alice Cullen," Jessica asked. The entire group looked at me then and I gritted my teeth.

"I don't really do friends. I'll be gone by the end of the year, no need to get close when I'm going to leave."

"That's sad," Angela spoke, "Why do you two move so much?"

I paused, not use to getting asked that. Most people said it was cool I got to see so many places, or commented on how Charlotte was probably rich. I shook off my shock, realizing I had been silent for a minute, "Charlotte is a nomad. She likes to move a lot and takes me with her."

"That's pretty cool, I mean the travelling part, not the no friends part," Mike responded. I nodded and I followed their eyes to find Bella was talking with Edward. I rolled my eyes, knowing she wouldn't last long avoiding the mystery that was the Cullens.

𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 ◌ 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 ◌ 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃Where stories live. Discover now