Chapter 20- The Golem

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The Golem

I had gathered as much clay as I could, along with some men's clothes

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I had gathered as much clay as I could, along with some men's clothes. The last thing I needed was blood and a piece of the person I wanted to make the Golem into. I sat in front of the clay pile that some of my blood was pooled in the center of. I closed my eyes, envisioning a strand of Jasper's hair appearing in my hand.

"Nunc inveniri potest facere quod periera," I chanted. I continued chanting it until I felt a small weight in my hand. A small amount of hair was in my hand and I put it in the pool of my blood, "Et de eodem luto ego faciam hominibus. Et ex sanguine vitam. Inde quod volo facio capillos."

As I chanted, I began feeling a sudden high. My head fell back in ecstasy. The clay in front of me began rising until it was in Jasper's form. Soon the clay began turning the color of his skin and hair sprouted from his head and his eyes were their gold color. When the Golem was completely changed into Jasper I stopped chanting. I handed Golem Jasper the clothes and he quickly got dressed.

"Lilian, what did you do," he asked me after he was covered.

"What are you talking about?"

"This is dark magic, creating this Golem of me," he said. I stood up, shaking my head.

"No, it's fine. There's no consequences from this. I checked," I told him. He caressed my cheek, a frown on his face, "Jasper. I was hurting so much."

"I know, darling," he replied, "I wish I didn't hurt you like I did."

"Is that the real Jasper speaking," I asked him.

"It's part Jasper part you. With your blood and a piece of him, I'm able to be as close to him as I can get. I'm not a vampire, but I'm not human. Whatever I say could either be what the real Jasper would say or what you would want the real Jasper to say," he explained. I stood there, not knowing how I felt about fabricated words, but then I thought to how I was feeling without any part of Jasper. If I could have some of him, even if it's fabricated, then I would take it.

"Lilian," Charlotte called out. I cursed, realizing she might come up to my room. I ushered Golem Jasper into the closet, shutting him inside. I quickly picked up my mess, pulling a rug over the remaining clay. She entered my room and looked startled, "What are you doing home?"

"I felt a little sick. It might be from not eating, but I didn't want to be sad and sick at school," I quickly lied.

"Well, I'll make some lunch. I told you that you were going to get sick if you kept starving yourself. I'll make some sandwiches and soup. I'll call you whenever it is ready," she said. I nodded and waited a few minutes after she shut the door behind her before retrieving Golem Jasper.

"You were starving yourself," he asked me. I didn't reply as I looked down at my shoes in shame. He tilted my face to look up at him, the disappointed frown still there, "I don't want you to kill yourself over me, Lilian. I'm not worth that."

"I loved you, Jasper. I finally found someone who I thought loved me back. You crushed me when you left. Those words you said-," I trailed off. More tears fell down my cheeks and he quickly wiped them away. He seemed just as hurt as I was, "You had promised me you would never leave or hurt me, yet you did both without remorse."

"You think I wanted to leave you, Lilian? You are everything to me, but what happened with Bella reminded us how much we didn't belong around humans. If my family wasn't as strong as me, she would have been dead and then who knows. I could have killed you after. I believed leaving was better for you."

"Leaving didn't help me, Jasper."

"And I wish it was the real me that was seeing that."

"Any you will do right now," I said. He leaned forward, pressing his forehead against mine, "I just don't want to be alone right now."

"I'm not leaving until you tell me to," he assured me. I knew he couldn't even if he tried. That was part of it that sold me on creating Golem Jasper. He was condemned to this house until I told him he could leave. That's part of the reason it was considered dark magic to create a Golem, the control you had over everything your Golem did. Well, that and creating life like a god.

"Lilian, lunch is ready," Charlotte called up to me. I jumped away from Golem Jasper, my heart pounding. I was going to have to get use to the nerves from hiding Golem Jasper.

"Stay," I commanded him. He saluted me and I rolled my eyes. I ran downstairs, finding Charlotte had made grilled ham and cheese sandwiches with tomato soup, "Looks delicious," I commented.

"You look a little happier," she commented back as I sat down at the table. I looked up at her, acting dumb.

"Do I? Must be the food," I replied. She sat down across from me and I couldn't tell if she bought it. I ate a couple sandwiches and finished my soup. Charlotte cleaned the dishes as I kept glancing at the stairs. I wanted to be in my room with Golem Jasper.

"Lilian," Charlotte spoke. I looked over at her, "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

"Of course," I responded. She smiled, returning back to her dishes, "Um, I think I'm going to go upstairs. Thank you for lunch."

"Any time," Charlotte replied. I walked upstairs, careful not to rush and make her suspicious. When I entered my bedroom I found Golem Jasper was still where I left him. I let out an audible sigh of relief.

"Did you expect me to leave," he questioned as I shut my door. I locked it and warded it against Charlotte before answering.

"A little," I admitted.

"Well, you made me, Lilian. I'm yours completely. As I said, I'm here until you tell me to leave," he responded. I crossed the floor to him. I threw my arms around him, desperately needing his arms around me. I was somewhat whole and that was good enough for me. I had a part of Jasper and this one wasn't going to leave me. The only part of all of this that left me nervous was the craving to feel like I did when I created him. The high that I got from the dark magic was like nothing else I had felt before and it felt amazing. That kind of feeling could become addictive.

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