Chapter 6- Field Trip

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Field Trip

Bella and I rode together the next day, me not wanting to be near Charlotte after yesterday and her not wanting to be alone

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Bella and I rode together the next day, me not wanting to be near Charlotte after yesterday and her not wanting to be alone. As we stood there, looking across the parking lot at the Cullens. Bella still seemed shaken by yesterday's events. However, I could tell she wasn't going to give up on knowing what the Cullens were. Someone stepped in our line of sight and we snapped out of our trance, finding Mike there.

"It's alive," he said, acting like Frankenstein. I rolled my eyes as I shook my head.

"Yeah, false alarm," I replied.

"Actually, I'm glad you're not dead 'cause, well, that would suck, plus I wanted to ask you even though it's, like, a month away," Mike rambled. I sighed, realizing this was a question to Bella. I looked away, finding Jasper watching, amused. I broke eye contact from him, turning to face Bella.

"So what do you think," Mike asked Bella. She seemed lost, looking at him confused.

"About what?"

"Do you want to go? To prom. With me."

"Prom. As in dance. I, uh - have to go -somewhere. To Jacksonville. Yeah."

"You can't go another weekend?"

"Non-refundable ticket. Maybe you should ask Jessica."

"I'm guessing you've got surprise plans too," Mike asked me. I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Second choice is never a good place. Besides, mine aren't sudden. I'll be going to New Orleans," I replied, "I have family there."

"Oh, well-."

"Bella's right, ask Jessica. She's totally into you," I told him. He looked over at Jessica and she quickly met his gaze. She smiled at him, waving. I patted his shoulder before passing by him. Bella followed behind me and we entered our bus. I looked around, suddenly finding there wasn't a spot left for me.

"Bus 2, Miss Bronwenn," Mr. Molina told me. I sighed, leaving the bus to enter the other. I quickly found Alice trading seats with Jasper, making the seat beside him vacant. I searched the bus, finding that the spot next to him was my only option. I sat down beside him, not looking his way at all. I saw his mouth open to speak and I quickly shoved my earbuds in. I turned my music up all the way, drowning out all sounds and my own thoughts.

When we arrived I quickly fled from the bus. I went over to Bella, finding she was looking at Edward. I decided she was too distracted to join in conversation for the trip. I saw a scrawny kid exiting the bus and I appeared in front of him, a ten dollar bill in hand.

"Ride on bus 2 on the way back," I suggested, holding out the money. He looked down at it then back up to me.

"Deal," he said before snatching the money and walking away. I smiled, glad I got that fixed. This would be the only thing I listened to Charlotte on. I got a vibe from that family, and I couldn't tell if it was good or bad. As I walked with the rest of the group, I felt a presence beside me.

"Family in New Orleans," Jasper questioned. I pulled out my earbud, pretending to not have heard him, "What are you doing in New Orleans?"

"Family," I replied.

"Charlotte's family?"

"Family," I repeated.

"I'm guessing that until I explain what happened yesterday you aren't going to speak to me."

"I'm speaking. Listen, this is me speaking."

"Adrenaline rush. That's how I got to you so fast."

I looked over at him before bursting into laughter. I gained some looks, but I ignored them. I shook my head before continuing on my way. Jasper followed closely behind and I noticed Bella talking to Edward a few people in front of us. That wouldn't do.

"Trinus ex aere," I whispered, focusing on Bella. She tripped, forcing Edward to catch her. I smirked before walking up to her as he walked away, "What happened?"

"Edward is being an ass is all," she replied, "And I'm clumsy and ruin moments."

"Well, I think it would be better if we distance ourselves from them, Bella. I get a vibe from them."

"I'm ignoring your vibe, sorry. I need to know what happened yesterday. Don't you want answers?"

"No, because sometimes it's not the answer I want," I responded. When we exited the green house, Edward caught up to Bella. I walked away, watching them from afar. Whatever he was saying was definitely making her upset. I felt the heat of another's stare and I looked out of the corner of my eye to see Jasper staring at me. I put my earbuds in and pulled out some sunglasses, making it known I wasn't in the mood for interaction.

The boy from earlier came up to me, holding out the money I gave him. I pulled my ear bud, looking at it, "What's this?"

"Someone paid me more," he replied. I looked over at Jasper who pointed in Alice's direction. I narrowed my eyes before a thought popped into my head. I gave Jasper a wicked grin before turning my attention back to the boy.

"What can I do to change your mind," I asked him. He shifted uncomfortably and I sighed, realizing he was too shy, "Very well."

"You're not upset are you?"

"Not at all. This just calls for extra work I wasn't needing to do," I replied. I wrapped my arms around him, my lips close to his ear, "Canticum audite me cadere in dextera mea."

I began humming and I felt him relax under my touch, "Do you still want me to ride that bus?"

"Yes, please. There's some people on there I would like to avoid. You'll do that for me, won't you," I asked. He quickly nodded and I smiled, "Great, you're the best."

He went off to the bus and looked over at Jasper, who looked upset. I gave him a cocky smile before waving on my way to Bella's bus. I sat beside her, finding she was clearly upset, "Edward's an ass."

"That seems to be your motto lately. Why not just steer clear," I asked. She frowned, letting out a large sigh.

"I don't know."

"Well, it's clear he isn't interested in the population of Forks so don't take it personal. Just ignore him and spend your time doing other things," I suggested. She looked up at me.

"I thought you didn't do friends."

"Oh, I don't. I'm just giving advice to a fellow student. Don't go getting ideas now, I'm a no friend zone."

"Well, if you did do friends you would be great at it," she replied before looking back out the window. I turned my music on, thinking on her words. I couldn't have friends, not only because of how much we moved, but because of what happened when people got close. People close to me get hurt because of what I am.

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