Chapter 23- Science Fiction

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Science Fiction

"Get up," Charlotte hissed at me

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"Get up," Charlotte hissed at me. I groaned, not wanting to. She shook me roughly, forcing my eyes to open in annoyance, "Get up, now!"

I looked to my window, finding it was still dark out, "What time is it?"

"Doesn't matter, we have an emergency downstairs," she told me. She left then and I groaned. Golem Jasper sat up, forcing me to sit up as well. I threw my blankets from me and got out of bed with a yawn.

"You should probably wait in here," I told him. He nodded and Charlotte yelled up for me. I left my room, heading downstairs. What I found down there was not what I expected. Charlie was holding a bloodied Landon up and I saw an unfamiliar woman looking very shaken up beside him, "What the hell happened?"

"A miracle," Charlotte spoke. The woman gave her a look, "Sorry, too soon."

"What happened," I tried again.

"There was an altercation between Landon and his step father. I will need to take Kaitlyn to the station, but she is refusing to take Landon to a hospital. Charlotte had informed me that she had medical experience," Charlie answered, "She accepted to patch him up."

"We will make sure he is well taken care of," Charlotte assured his mother. Kaitlyn nodded, watching Charlie hand Landon off to Charlotte.

"Let's get you to the station," Charlie told Kaitlyn. She walked out of the house with him and Charlotte walked over to the dining room table.

"Help me, Lilian," she called back to me. I locked the front door before walking over to her. I grabbed his legs as she put him on the table. She cut open his shirt, revealing the majority of his wounds. He had bruises lining his ribs and a few deep cuts. There was also one cut on his cheek where a ring had gotten him, "Stay with him as I get supplies."

"Veronica," he said in a hoarse voice. Charlotte walked away then and he opened his eyes to look at me.

"Charlotte is good at what she does. She will get you fixed up in no time," I assured him. I took his hand, squeezing it comfortingly.

"I know you lied to me," he told me. I looked at him, surprised. He closed his eyes again.

"Landon? Landon," I said, but he didn't open his eyes again, "Charlotte, hurry," I shouted. She ran back into the room with a poultice made. She rubbed it on his bruises and cuts, especially his cheek. I didn't let go of his hand, mostly due to him squeezing it through the pain. When she finished she began muttering a spell over him. I was quick to stop her, however, "Charlotte, they will talk if he is completely healed."

"You want me to leave him like this," she asked, gesturing to his cut and bruised body.

"I don't want to move because of this. The poultice will heal him some, enough for him to move and talk. Enough for no one to talk."

"Your call," she replied before walking away from Landon, "I'll make up the couch."

"Wait, he's going to be sleeping here? I thought they were going to come back."

"Lilian, his mother shot his step father dead. There is going to be a lot of questions and even a trial. He's going to be here for a couple days," she replied.

"What about," I pointed up to where my room was at.

"Your decision to make that thing. Deal with the consequences that come from it. Just keep this boy out of your room and everything will be fine," she told me. I huffed, not liking that Golem Jasper would have to stay cooped up in my room.

"I'm going for a run" I said before leaving her alone with Landon.

"In the forest, please. Can't have our neighbors talking," she called after me. I stripped behind a tree before shifting. I ran around, eventually deciding to hunt. I padded around, keeping my ears alert for any sounds. I tracked down a deer and within seconds I broke its neck. I dug into it, eating until I was completely full. I continued to walk around until I found a small stream. I jumped into it, cleaning off the blood from my fur.

I decided to head back, feeling better. I shifted back to myself when I got to the tree and quickly got dressed, "No way," I heard Landon say and I spun around, my heart pounding from being startled.

"What are you doing out here? You're injured."

"I feel much better thanks to you guys."

"What did you see," I demanded.

"You were the wolf I hit, weren't you," he asked me. I opened my mouth to answer, but he continued talking, "This can't be real. You're a werewolf. An actual freaking werewolf."

He put his hands on his head, trying to process what he saw. I stood there, waiting for him to calm down. He shook his head as he mouthed the word 'werewolf'. He turned away from me, his hands still on his head.

"Landon," I said in a soft voice, taking a step closer to him, "I know this is a shock."

"Just a little," he said, chuckling a bit.

"I can answer all your questions, but we should get inside before the neighbors hear."

"What are you?"

"I'm a hybrid. I'm a werewolf by my mom's side and a witch by my father's side," I answered, "I know it doesn't seem real."

"No, no it doesn't, but I witnessed you just turn from a wolf back to a human. That's not real life, that's science fiction," he said, throwing his hands about as he said that, expressing his disbelief, "I want to believe that my eyes were playing tricks on me."

"They weren't."

"Yeah, no shit," he said. I flinched at his harshness and he saw it, "Sorry. It's not every day you find out the most attractive girl at your school is a hybrid."

"You think I'm attractive," I asked.

"Well, yeah. Who wouldn't," he responded. I chuckled, my cheeks heating up slightly from the compliment. I was grateful for the dark night. I suddenly remembered Jasper again and I felt guilty for liking Landon's compliment. The smile fell from my face and Charlotte chose then to catch us.

"Landon, you should be resting. Get inside," she ordered. He followed her inside, sending one last look over his shoulder at me. I felt someone staring at me and I looked up at my window to find Golem Jasper there. I smiled at him, waving. He gave me a smile and wave back, but it felt off. I decided then I needed to distance myself from Landon. I didn't like that I enjoyed Landon's laugh, much less enjoyed his compliment so much. However, the real Jasper was never coming back and I could never have any real relationship with Golem Jasper. I didn't want anyone other than Jasper, despite how much he had hurt me. He was my first love and it just didn't feel right not to have him in my life.

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