Chapter 46- This Isn't Goodbye

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This Isn't Goodbye

This Isn't Goodbye

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"No. Not happening," Jasper stated. Carlisle and Esme didn't seem pleased either, "Landon isn't even here anymore."

"I'm still seeing him in the vision Jasper."

"When did you see it? What was happening when you had it," I asked her. She thought for a second before coming up with an answer.

"You had turned. I saw you coming back and then I saw the vision."

"You've known this entire time, yet you haven't said anything? How hasn't Edward said anything," I asked.

"I've been around Edward long enough to know how to block my thoughts from him. I didn't want you to find out and end up doing something you'd regret like pushing Landon and Charlotte away."

I turned away from her. I knew she was right, but I was still upset she had kept something this big from me, from everyone. Jasper walked over to me, placing his hand on my arm, "Lilian?"

"Take me home, Jasper," I demanded. He nodded and we left the house. He drove me to my house in the Jeep and I stared out of my window, not saying anything.

When we got to my house, the lights were on inside. I headed inside, finding Charlotte crying while my dad held her, "What's going on? What happened?"

"Lilian, what are you doing home?"

"It's my house, why else would I be here? Now, what is going on," I demanded again. Charlotte nodded to my dad, letting him know it was okay, "Is Landon okay?"

"He's fine, actually having a great time in school. It's about you actually. Charlotte told me about the darkness in you and I had been doing some research about it. There's really no way to get rid of it without dying. However, there is a way to transfer it," he explained. Jasper entered the house and I stepped towards my dad, "I'm not going to let you go dark. I can control it. Let me take that burden from you."

"Dad," I frowned, "There's something you aren't telling me."

"If I take this darkness from you, we can never see each other again. It knows you and even though I might transfer it to me, it will jump back to you if we stay together too long."

"What else?"

"We have to go somewhere where there is old magic. We have to go to New Orleans to do this," he told me. I suddenly got why Charlotte was crying. She wouldn't leave me, even though she loved my father. What she didn't know, is that she needed to go.

"Take care of Charlotte while you two are gone, won't you," I asked. Charlotte looked up at me, confused, "You've watched after me forever, Charlotte. You finally found happiness and I'm not going to be the reason you pass that up. Carlisle and Esme will be more than happy to take me in."

"Are you sure," Charlotte asked. I nodded and she quickly wiped her tears away, "Well, in that case, let's get to New Orleans. The longer that darkness has a tether to your soul, the darker it will get."

Jasper turned to leave, but I grabbed his hand, shaking my head, "I'm not doing this alone," I told him. He shut the door before wrapping me in a hug. Charlotte bought tickets for New Orleans and soon we were on a flight to the Big Easy. I contacted my family down there, letting them know that we would be there tonight.

Jasper stayed by my side as we roamed New Orleans for a while, setting up a perfect montage moment of a father's last day with his daughter. We ate New Orleans Cajun food, took some tours, and bought some souvenirs before heading to the bayou where the rest of our family were.

They had brought in help and the ritual was set up, waiting for us. The witch waiting for us wasn't someone I recognized. My father stood in one circle as I stood in the one across from him. The witch stood in the across from us. I joined hands with my dad as she began chanting in a language I did not know. It was voodoo and I understood none of that side of magic. She danced as she sprinkled a jar of blood around us. I saw the black veins from my body move to my arms and into my dad's.

He gasped as he felt the darkness enter his body. I wanted to stop, to pull out of his hold, but we were glued together. His eyes went black before returning to normal. The witch stopped chanting as she collapsed on the ground. She was still alive, but whatever magic she tapped into had drained her energy.

"We only have a few minutes before we can no longer see each other again," he told me. I ran into his arms, tears streaming down my cheeks. He held me, crying as well. I heard the sound of thunder and soon it began to rain. There was no rain in the forecast so I knew we had something to do with it. A large clap of lightning sounded near us and I looked over, finding the water closest to us was on fire, "We should get going. Don't think that this is goodbye. We can still call."

"I love you, daddy," I sobbed. He gave me one last hug before leaving with Charlotte. Jasper took me away and while we waited for the plane at the terminal, my phone went off. I picked up, not looking at who it was, "Hello?"

"Lilian. I need your help," Bella said on the other end.

"Bella? What's going on," I asked. Jasper gave me a look and I leaned closer to him, putting the phone between us so he could hear, since I had spelled it awhile back for no vampire to listen in.

"So, um, I don't really know how to say this. Um, I'm pregnant. Rosalie has already agreed to help me, but I know that won't be enough. Please, Edward wants to kill it when we get home. I want to keep it."

"I'll help you, I promise. I'll even ask Charlotte about something to help you survive. Considering who the father is," I told her. She thanked me before quickly hanging up.

When we got on the flight and made it back home, Rosalie was pacing in the living room, "Did she call you too?"

"Yes, and we won't let anything happen to the baby," I vowed. Jasper just nodded beside me. We heard the car pull up and Bella ran into the house. Edward followed after her, but stopped as he saw Rosalie, Bree, Jasper, and I protecting her.

"Really? You know what is going on, right? That thing will kill her," Edward shouted.

"It's a baby, Edward. Your baby as well as hers, but right now she is the one carrying it. Until she says otherwise, we are protecting her and that baby from all harm. Do not make me resort to shielding her," I said. He looked at all of us before growling, "Huic infantem est non nocere pupillo parentibusve eius."

"You all are going to see you're making a mistake. That baby isn't healthy for her. Vampires don't procreate. A human holding a vampire baby means it will kill her. Her death will be on your hands," Edward stated before walking away. Alice, Emmett and Carlisle followed after him. Bella started to cry and Rosalie took to comforting her. Jasper took me upstairs and when we entered his room, I collapsed on his bed.

"I'm never going to see my father again. I'm never going to hug him. He's never going to walk me down the aisle, or anything like that," I frowned. Jasper laid down beside me and I curled into him, tears already in brewing in my eyes. We laid there until I finally fell asleep from the energy it took to cry. My dad was gone, Charlotte was gone and Landon was gone. My old family was gone and all I had left was the Cullens and Bree.

Due to the holidays and increase in hours at work I won't be able to post another update until the new year. Please forgive me. Until then, happy holidays and happy early new year.

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