Chapter 85: The five year old that I am

Start from the beginning

I stood up fairly quick, so I must have been healing quicker. "I suppose you're right; I'll be down in a few." As I finished saying that, he walked out of my room and joined Aizawa.

I looked around to see where Melody was, but I couldn't see her, so I guessed that she was downstairs since she could have followed Yamada due to being alone with him for a while. As I walked slowly out of my room, I gave a small smile at the thought that Melody was warming up to someone else other than me. It took me forever to make it down to the landing. Since it took me so long I decided that I was going to try and go a little faster down the rest of the way. That was a mistake cause after two steps I fell. I squealed as I clenched my eyes shut while I waited to fall. I heard footsteps running from the table towards me, but then they stopped. I opened my eyes slowly to see that I was floating, then slowly drifted to the ground that was off of the stairs.

"You alright?" Aizawa asked in a worried tone with his expression matching it.

I fixed my hoodie as I said, "Y-yeah, I didn't fall so I should be fine."

He turned to start for the table, "It's good to see that your quirks are coming back."

I followed him as he started to walk away, "It's probably because I'm back here; a place that I'm comfortable, so I may heal faster."

"Probably." He responded as he sat at the table.

I pulled out my usual chair that I sit on, but Melody was sleeping on it all curled up. I pushed it back under the table and pulled out the other one that was next to my usual chair.

"Why aren't you sitting where you usually sit?" Aizawa asked.

Yamada answered before I could, "Melody's on it." Aizawa just nodded his head as he continued to eat. I sat down as I looked at the bowl of food. "I made miso soup since I figured that you'd rather want something warm like this instead of a huge meal."

"Yeah, thanks." I said before I said thanks for the meal and began to eat.

Since they started eating before me, they finished before me too. Aizawa went to the sofa and laid there while Yamada cleaned their side of the table. After he brought them to the sink, he began to wash them.

"Oh, hey, Y/N?" Yamada said, getting my attention.

I looked over to him in the kitchen, "Yeah?"

"What's your opinion on roller coasters and theme parks?" He asked.

In a slightly confused tone I answered, "I don't know...I've never been to one or have done anything that's at one of them parks."

"Would you be interested to go to one?"

I thought about it for a minute, "I'm up for anything I suppose."

In a happy tone he said, "Good; Sho and I-" Aizawa cut him off by clearing his throat loudly, clearly trying to correct him. Yamada started again, correcting himself, "I was thinking that we all could go to this one park that's over in the next city. I was planning that just Sho and I would go, but he-" Aizawa cleared his throat again loudly. This time Yamada didn't continue on with that he was going to say.

I waited a few seconds to see if he was going to finish his thought, but he didn't, so I said, "I'd be down to go. When would we go there?" There were a few seconds of silence before I got an answer.

"When you fully heal." Aizawa said.

I tried the idea, "How about when I get enough strength? I don't know how long it'd take to get my quirks back fully, but I'm sure I'll get all of my strength back first."

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