Chapter 84: The great escape

Start from the beginning

"Would you rather want to use the wheelchair? You could fall and hurt yourself since you don't have all of your strength back." he said in a warning tone.

I pressed on towards the door, "Nope, I'm never going to get better by staying in a stuffy wheelchair."

"Alright then." He said as he quickly caught up with me. Once we got into the hall he asked, "Where would you like to go?"

"I don't know; if I were to leave the hospital I would never come I guess to the roof?" I suggested.

He took a few seconds to reply. I looked to him to see that he was debating whether we should or not. He caved in by saying, "I suppose that'd be fine."

We then started slowly for the elevator. I felt like a bother since I had to walk so slow; not to mention the few times that he had to catch me because I almost fell. He asked me every now and then if I was sure that I didn't want to utilize the wheelchair, and my response every-time was no. When we made it to the roof, we sat down on a bench.

After I caught my breath I asked, "Where's Aizawa?"

"That's right, I forgot to tell you that he's at a conference." Yamada answered in a tone that sounded like he remembered it after I asked about his presence.

"What's it about?"

"It's to conclude the first conference since the first one was about Bakugo's disappearance from the class trip." he said, briefly explaining it.

I replied with a simple, "Oh."

"Didn't anyone tell you what went on in that week?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah, but a lot goes on in a week...I honestly don't care what happened, but I'd like to know the major things that went on."

"Then that's all that you'd really need to know then; just that conference." He said as he looked at the clear, cloudless sky.

I looked to the side to see someone else join us on the roof, "How many were hurt while we were on the trip? Or do you not know."

"I guess that Midoriya and you were the main ones that needed the most medical attention. A few others had little scrapes and bruises, so nothing that could ruin a carrier." He said as he tried to recall what Aizawa told him.

I sighed a sigh of relief, "Thank god no one else was badly injured. I know that I wasn't able to do much help because I ran down the trail and through the woods to find students. As I found them in groups, I teleported them to the lodge so they'd be safer; so it's good to hear that everyone else is alright." We sat there in silence for a while as we listened to the sounds of the surroundings. I then asked, "How's Melody?"

He chucked a bit before replying, "The first few nights that you were gone she was meowing as she walked around the apartment looking for you. She then eventually settled down and fell asleep on my bed. You were also right that she'd follow you around wherever you go, she followed me around after a few days." I smiled. "I know she'll be more than happy when you get back."

"I bet so." I said as I still had the smile on my face.

After a few hours we decided to leave and go back to my hospital room. Once I got back Yamada said that he had to leave. We said our goodbyes and he was on his way. Now that I had my phone, I finally had something to do rather than sit there and watch mindless things on TV. I decided that I wasn't going to stay any longer. I waited until the sun was just about set for the day before I was going to make a break for it. I found a map of the hospital in my room since it was used to show where the exits are in case of an emergency. I threw what little things I had on the sofa into my backpack and put it on my back as I carried the bundle of flowers.

I slowly made it to the elevator, making sure that I wouldn't make too much noise and so that I wouldn't get stopped by the nurses. Once I made it to the exit, I felt as if I broke out of prison and I was a free man. I walked down the sidewalk to only realize that I didn't know what direction the apartment was in. I found a bench at a park and sat there as I looked up directions as to how to get to my destination. I groaned about it since it was about an hour's walk and there weren't any trains that I'd be able to take. I figured that I could take a taxi, but I didn't have money and I didn't want to waste quirk energy on generating it either. I decided that I was going to push myself and teleport there. I knew that no matter if I were to walk all the way there or teleport, I would be equally worn out, so it didn't matter.

Once I teleported to the apartment, I happened to be outside of the front door. I grumbled about it for a while because I wanted to teleport inside, but I was outside instead. Whatever though, at least I made it. I dug around by backpack to see if the key was still inside the pocket that was sewn into the side of the bag. Thankfully it was still there. I took it out and unlocked the door as quietly as I could. I slowly opened the door and crept in. I then sat on a stair as I took off my shoes. After that I slowly stood up and walked out of the entryway and into the darkness of the apartment. Since it was so dark I took the hint that they weren't there. I walked to the table and left the flowers there before attempting to make it up the stairs and into my room.

As I walked down the hall to my room, I heard a thud in my room then little footsteps that sounded like they came charging out of my room. I was greeted by an excited, elegant, one eyed puff ball. I gave it a little laugh as I picked her up. She extended her neck so she'd be able to rub her face on mine. I walked into my room slowly as I held her. I fell onto the sofa with my backpack still on my back and Melody in my arms, showing her gratitude that I was back. I put her down on the sofa to the right of me while I took off my bag. As I was trying to do so, she walked back onto my lap and sat there, looking at me as if she was angry that I was gone for so long.

After I dropped my backpack onto the floor, I quietly said to her, "Sorry I was gone for so long, I was dealing with some hero stuff."

Once I said that, she got comfy on my lap and tried to fall asleep. I smiled as I watched her. It was like she was disapproving of my absence at first, but once I gave an explanation, it was like she was alright with it. After a little bit I started to fall asleep. I was abruptly woken up again by voices down on the main floor, who I presumed were Aizawa and Yamada. I then saw a light come on since I left my door open, followed by silence which I found odd since they were in the middle of talking about the conference.

"Where'd those flowers come from?" Aizawa asked.

"I don't-" Yamada stopped himself and paused before saying calmly, "Follow me."

I then heard footsteps walk up the stairs and into my room. I sat up from the sofa as the light turned on. They looked kind of disappointed with me not staying at the hospital until I was completely better.

I smiled and tried to say happily, "I'm back."

Yamada sighed, "You could have brought the flowers into your room so then we wouldn't know you were here."

"Yeah, but then if I were to make noise you guys would probably attack me since you wouldn't know that I was here; and I wouldn't be able to defend myself since I don't have my quirks or enough strength." I said, explaining my actions.

"Why couldn't you just stay at the hospital until you got the okay from the doctor?" Aizawa asked in a disappointed tone.

"I feel fine enough to come home; I mean, I have been in worse shape as I recovered here." I said. I noticed that they looked shocked for some reason. "What?"

They walked in closer to the sofa instead of just standing in the door.

"You should have waited since you're still wearing bandages. What if those wounds get infected?" Aizawa said, trying to persuade me to go back to the hospital.

I pulled off the bandage that was around my head, covering my eye. Before I could pull it off all the way they both put their hand out to mine that was pulling the bandage off since they thought that my eye wasn't healed. Once they removed their hands I pulled it off the rest of the way, revealing what was beneath it. They ran in front of me to see what I had done, and once they saw it, they gasped.

"Your eye..." Yamada said in a quiet shocked tone.

I got up and walked to the bathroom to see what they were gasping about. I kept my head down until I was directly in front of the mirror. Once I looked up and saw it too, I was beyond shocked to see what was hidden.

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