Chapter 23: President

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Emilia POV

"I want to assassinate the President." Mom says and we all widen our eyes in disbelief. "Wait, you were serious?" Ma asks confused.


"How are we going to do that? The President is the most guarded person in the US. How are we gonna get past them?" I ask.

"Let's just say that his security guards are on this as well." She says.


Right now, I was sitting in the hotel room of Washington D.C. ready to murder the President. Mom had already told us the plan. Ma and Aunt Lani were to walk into his press conference as guest and they would pull the fire alarm while North and Adeya will turn off the cameras. At this point everyone will evacuate.

Those 2 security guards will evacuate Trump to a room where then he will be killed by Mom. Sounds easy right, nothing comes easy in this world, this will be my hardest mission yet.

I'm just waiting for something to go wrong. Meanwhile we are just getting out of our cars to do this mission. I watch Ma and Aunt Lani walk in as Adeya and North head towards the back.

I told Mom I wanted to do my part by myself and I had to kill all the security guards including the ones who does work for Mom.

I chose my weapon, the Bow and Arrow. I adjust my ear piece in my ear and I walk towards the back door where I have to take out my first victims.

I walk and like I knew, I was stopped by 2 guards. "Ma'am you shouldn't be here." One of the guys says. "But I'm here, sorry. Let me through." I say.

"We can do that." He responds before reaching for his walkie talkie. I snatch it from his hand throwing it somewhere. He grabs my wrist and I flip him on his back ad he groans. The other security guard aims his hand gun at him and I knee him in his crotch before pistol whipping him.

That was easier than I thought.

Billie POV

On cue, North tells me the cameras are down. I look over the balcony where the President is answering questions. I hear someone say "The cameras are down, something is up. Get the cameras up now!"

The person walks out and they see me. They run to me with a taser, I take my blade out throwing it watching it penetrate him in his forehead.

I turn around punching the girl who was trying to sneak behind me. I put her in a headlock and I jerk in a quick motion hearing the satisfying crack in her neck as she falls limp.

I see a bombard of people coming towards, "Yeah... there's too many of y'all. Bye!" I walk backwards quickly before I lose them. "Damn it, we lost her!" Someone says.

"Find her!" Someone else responds.

Stormi POV

I sit down listening to the President speaking. My job is to throw a smoke bomb and right after that the fire alarm should go off. I look at my watch checking the time. I look around smirking before I roll a smoke bomb into the center of the room.

I watch as the smoke bomb explodes as I cover my nose. Everyone screams as the fire alarm goes off. Now, I have to kill the First Lady. I grab my pistol preparing to shoot but I hear another gunshot ring in the air and I watch someone fall down.

Thinking it's the First Lady, I put my gun away, but I see the First Lady being escorted

Who the hell was shot "Storms, the wrong person is down." Xavier says through the earpiece. "Who is it?" I say walking quickly towards the person on the floor.

I see the familiar short black hair as I examine the face. "My mom!?" Xavier yells. Shit.

I look up to see a girl smirking while looking down at me and Claudia. I scowl as I shoot her quickly with my pistol watching her eyes roll back as she falls back.

Billie POV

Something's wrong, this isn't going the way I wanted. I've never messed up on a mission. I need specifically 4 people dead by today. The President, the First Lady, the Vice President and his wife.

I might miss my chance. I put 2 arrows in my bow before pulling my hand back. I adjust my aim, before letting go. I watch the two arrows go in different directions like I wanted.

One arrow goes into the direction of Trump stabbing him in the throat, the other arrow go towards the Vice President. It pierces him in his stomach.

I wait to watch as they both throw up blood. I made sure the arrows were poisonous ensuring that they will die. I watch as Melania Trump and the Vice President's wife run to their husbands hysterically.

I then take out my pistol shooting twice watching both women fall dead. I laugh to myself a little, mission accomplished.

"Bil, Claudia's been hit." I get told in my ear piece by Zoe. That's what went wrong. "Tell Finn, I'm going down there." I say quickly before rushing to Claudia's side. She's not talking. She clutching her stomach and groaning.

"Hey, hey, hey, you're gonna be fine." I say. She nods slowly. Finn runs over picking up Claudia before running out to the medics I called.

Mariana runs to me sitting down. "If you ever scare me like that, I'm gonna kill you." She says grabbing my face. "Thank God you're ok." She finishes hugging me.

"I'm confused." I say before hugging her back. "We need to get everyone out of here." I say.


Billie POV

We are back home after 2 days. Claudia is feeling a little better and for days there are been videos of Trump being killed and pictures of his blood splattered.

I was glad my mission was accomplished, now all I have to do is  focus on E. Day. I need to make this E. Day the best yet.

Hey babies.... So Trump's dead. What do you guys think E. Day is?

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