Chapter 16: Kiss

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mafiatmz Billie and Mariana Gambino showing off their love for each other amid cheating scandals

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

mafiatmz Billie and Mariana Gambino showing off their love for each other amid cheating scandals

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emiliagambino are those MY parents

ilovegambinos awww they're too cute, and @mafiatmz suck their dick

claudiasulewski after all these years, they're still the cutest

arianagrande me and Zoe need to be like this

zoedonahoe @arianagrande we are like this

arianagrande @zoedonahoe I had to threaten you last night just to CUDDLE

zoedonahoe @arianagrande ...

beyonce can they get any cuter


Emilia POV

It's been a month since Aunt Kehlani tried to kill herself, she hasn't been herself since. Aunt Shaina been checking up on her everyday making sure she was taking her anti depressants. Adeya's traumatized and has been seeing a therapist.

Its affecting all of us in our way. We're fighting through it and distracting ourselves. Right now, we're all in class daydreaming about anything. "Students, we are having a special guest come in today." Mrs. Mabel says.

I roll my eyes as I hear footsteps walk in to see Jade's infamous pedophile of a dad walk in with a formal suit on. "Hello kids, today I'll be talking about being against the LGBTQ Community." My eyes widens at his words. He doesn't like gay people, but I just slept with your daughter last night.

I look over to Jade and she gives me an awkward smile before looking away. For the next 45 minutes, I hear him rant about being gay is a sin, and gay sex is a sin and whatever. "Um, can you shut up?" I say loudly cutting him off.

"Excuse me ma'am, that is disrespectful." Jade's dad says. "What's disrespectful is how much nonsense you're talking, it's boring. This isn't some catholic school. Almost everyone in here likes the same sex including your daughter." I say and he widens his eyes and shakes his head.

"That isn't true, Jade isn't like one of you whores." He says and I laugh. "But she is." I say. "How do you know that?" He asks. "I just fucked your 'straight' daughter yesterday in the locker room." I say and he gasps looking up at Jade.

"What! That isn't true." Jade says to her dad completely lying. "No, it's very true. She screamed my name. You're welcome." I say walking out of the classroom. I get in my car speeding off to a place that only one person knows.


I take a drag out of the cigarette as I sit on the hill Mom used to bring me to when I couldn't sleep some nights. I stare into the sky as I hear footsteps behind me. "I knew I would find you here." I hear Stormi say. "How did you know I was here?" I ask.

"Your Mom told me you always come here to clear your mind or when you can't sleep." 

"That is correct." I say. "Why are you here today?" Stormi asks sitting in front of me. "Why are you always checking up on me?" I ask. Stormi shrugs "I don't know, there's something about you that makes me care." She says.

"Care? Why on earth would anyone care about me?"

"You're different, intriguing, and you make people feel comforted. Ems, you take care of everyone else but no one takes care of you."

"I don't need someone to take care of me." I say taking a drag from my cigarette. "Who hurt you?" Stormi asks. "What?" I say confused.

"You're only like this because someone hurt you." Stormi says. "Nobody hurt me." I say defensively. "Ok, whatever you say." She says. My eyes flicker down to her lips, we've never kissed before, which is ironic because we've fucked plenty of times. But that was one of our rules: No kissing, it makes it seem all lovely dovey.

I look back up quickly into her eyes and she puts a strand of her hair behind her ear. "When are you going to take me on a date?" She asks. My eyes widen a little "What?" I ask not thinking I heard right.

"You heard me. I want you to take me out." Stormi says. "Storm, all we are is fuck buddies, we'll never be anything else. We can't." I say.

"Stop denying the truth, there's a connection between us. I feel it, and I know you do too." She says. I sigh. She's right, I feel something when we're together, there have been many times I wanted to kiss her.

I even almost asked her out last week. Her eyes flicker down to my lips and temptation takes over my body and I crash my lips against hers. She cups my face getting in my lap. Our lips molded together perfectly, like we were the only ones there.

My hands held her waist as she cupped my face. I pushed her closer to me making her moan a little allowing me to slip my tongue in her mouth. I explore her mouth as my hands glide up her back.

This kiss was not like any other kiss I've had with other girls. This kiss wasn't full of lust, it was passionate and slow at the same time. I wanted it, she wanted it. Her fingers run through my hair. We finally pull away and I take in her view "Stop looking at me like that." Stormi says blushing and looking away.

She wraps her arms around my neck hugging me. I wrap my arms around her "Do you want to go out with me on Saturday?" I ask. "Sure why not?" She says smiling. I push some of her hair out of her face. "Can I ask a question?" Stormi asks. "Ask away beautiful." I say.

"Are you still going to sleep with other people?" She asks, I sigh "I'll try." She pecks me on the lips. She sits beside me laying her head on my shoulder. This is the 1st time I've felt genuine feelings for someone since ???. I was going to try.


Hey guys! Happy Thanksgiving, hope you enjoy this chapter. Who do you think this mystery person Ems was talking about?

I created a new story called Different, it's a very different plot than this book, go read it. Bye!!!!!! 

You Don't Know Me 2 [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें