Chapter 38: Care

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Stormi POV

"Thank you, I'll see you later babe." I say to Matt and he pecks me on the lips and leave the mall. I turn around and immediately bump into someone. The force of the bump makes me fall to the ground and the person turns around.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." The guy says. "You're fine. Accidents happen." I reply and he helps me up. "I'm Stormi." I say laughing a little.

"Nice name, I'm Jeremy." He says. "Nice to meet you Jeremy, how's your shopping going?"

"Fine. Actually, I bumped into you which made my day better." He says and I raise my eyebrow suspiciously as I think he's trying to flirt. "Uh, I have a boyfriend." I awkwardly say.

"Oh, I know you have a boyfriend, in fact, I know a lot about you Stormi Webster." He says before everything goes black.

Emilia POV

"Stormi's missing." True says barging into my room. "Huh?" I ask. "I was supposed to meet her at the mall, but I couldn't find her, but I found her cracked phone on the ground." True rambles.

"Get North to hack into the mall's cameras. I'll be down in a sec." I say and True exits my room before I run my fingers through my hair.

I walk out of my room and I hear faint crying. I walk into Bambina's room to see she's awake from her nap and throwing a fuss. "Hello." I say picking her up.

She quiets down and I rock her before going on the first floor to grab a bottle for her. I heat it up before feeding her. Her little hands wrap around the bottle as she flutters her eyes. I walk into Mom's office where Mom looks up at us.

"Why do you need this big of an office?" I ask. "You ask this all the time. It's because... I do what I want." She says. I roll my eyes before handing Bambi to her. "Hi Mommy's girl." Mom says before placing a kiss on Bambina's nose.

"Alright, I gotta go." I say before shutting Mom's office door.

I walk into the cameras room where I see True, North and Kulture arguing. "Shut up." I say before making North get up and I ask True "What time were you supposed to meet here?"

"She told me she arrived at the mall around 3:30."

I rewind clips back until I hit three thirty. "There she is." True says pointing. "No shit." North says. "Shut up." True says.

"Idiots." Kulture mutters.

"What?" True and North says in unison. "You heard me." Kulture says. "You ought to shut the fuck up." North says.

"And you ought to make me bitch." Kulture says. "Stop arguing! I have to focus." I say.

I look at the camera where I see Stormi kiss her boyfriend and her boyfriend leaves. So it can't be him. Stormi turns around and bumps into a guy causing her to fall on the ground.

The guy turns around and helps Stormi. I'm assuming this guy is apologizing by how he's talking to her, but suddenly, this guy gets close to her and Stormi falls unconscious into the man's already extended arms causing her to drop her phone.

I pause the video and use the facial detector. Two faces pop up: Stormi and. "No that can't be right." I mutter to myself. "What do you mean? Don't you see the resemblance?" True asks. "Just let me try again." I say.

I press try again and it comes with the two faces of Stormi and Jeremy. "I know where she is." I say getting up. "We'll come. For back up." North says. "No. I mean, I can handle this." I say before walking out of the room.

I go to the weapons room and I grab my customized golden pistol. I put it in the strap of my pants and pull my shirt over to cover it. I walk into the garage unlocking my car and speeding my way onto the road.

Stormi POV

I wake up in a bright room to see my ankles are handcuffed together. Stupid. I reach for one of the bobby pins in my hair before unlocking the handcuffs.

I hear a door open where Jeremy walks in. "How'd you get out of the cuffs?" He asks. "Don't worry about it. What do you want from me?" I ask. "You to learn." He says pushing me a little. "I wouldn't touch me if I were you." I say.

"And why not?" He asks.

"I'm a black belt in karate and I'm physically trained to kill people like you asshole." I say and he laughs a little.

"Stop hurting Her." He says after a while. "Her? Who are you talking about?"

"Emilia." He says. Ems? "How do you know her." I ask.

"Don't worry about it. All I know is that you're treating her like shit and she doesn't deserve it." He says gripping my chin.

I push him off of me as I say "She treats everyone like shit, she doesn't care about anyone. She deserves it." I say.

"You do know there is a reason to why she is the way she is." He says.

"Ok then why?"

"Because of me." He says looking down.

I hear the door being slammed open with Emilia saying "Because of you? Psh, that's a joke in the making."

Jeremy widens his eyes seeing a gun being aimed at him, "Stormi, in my car now." She orders me. I get up quickly and she throws me the keys and I make my way to the car.

Emilia POV

My eyes are burning with the blue color as the anger inside my skin is not explainable. "Have you lost your mind?"  I ask.

"I was just trying to teach her a lesson." He says. "There is no lesson that needs to be taught." I say.

"Just hear me out. I know that Stormi is the one you're interested in, but I keep seeing that's she tearing you apart and you keep running back to her."

"What does that have to do with you anyway." I ask coldly. "I don't want you to be hurt the same way I hurt you. I need you to believe me when I tell you I am sorry." He says.

"Shut up!" I yell before getting ready to pull the trigger. I shake and struggle to pull as he looks down. "Shoot me." He says. No matter how hard I want him dead, I just can't seem to pull the trigger. So easy to just pull my finger back and I can't do it. I don't want to do it.

I feel my eyes water and I immediately put the gun in my pocket and gasp for a breath I didn't know I needed. This is the first I've actually regretted wanting to pull the trigger on someone.

"Damn it. Why do you do this to me?" I ask him. "Do what?" He asks.

"Why do I still care about you. Why do I still wonder how you are in life? Why do you still think about you? Why do I still think back to our days? Why, Jeremy, why?" I ask. He shrugs, "I don't know. I think about it too." He says.

"This is wrong. You hurt me. I should hate you. I want to hate you. I need to hate you." I say pushing him into a wall.

"Hey, hey, hey. Look at me. I know everything right now is messed up. You're looking at the dude who hurt you physically and mentally." He says brushing my hair out of my face.

"We can be friends." He says. I shake my head getting off of him "I don't think I can ever be friends with you. Forgive? I can do that. But to be friends. No, I'm sorry Jeremy."

Hola. Y'all seen Billie at the Grammys?

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