Chapter 12: Wayne

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Emilia POV

"Since you guys decided to be dumb asses and blow up your school, there's another school you guys will be going to." Aunt Shaina a.k.a Shay says. "But I'm not a dumb ass, that's rude Mom." Adeya says. Aunt Shay gives a look to Adeya and says "But you are." 

I can hear Adeya roll her eyes and Aunt Shay says "Well, I found a new school for everyone to go to." We all groan, the past few months without school have been stress free. 

"5. 4. 3." Aunt Shay starts to count down for us to get quiet. We do as she wants quickly, Aunt Shay may not be level a million scary like my mothers, but chick is still scary as shit. 

"As I was saying, this school is called School of Mafia Arts or SMA. This school will focus on your skills that you need to be in the Mafia. Many children that work for Billie go here, some of the kids are the kids of some famous people."

"Why didn't we just go here in the first place?" I ask, Aunt Shay says "We wanted you kids to feel normal but since someone decided that the school should be blown up."

I nod and Elle asks "When is our first day?" 

"Next week." Aunt Shay says leaving the room leaving us in the room. "I just found out 'the queen of SMA' or the mean girl of the school." Alaïa says sitting on Kulture's lap. Yes. They're dating, after years of flirting, they're finally together. 

"Who?" Stormi asks. "Jade Maraj, Nicki Minaj's daughter. She's captain of the cheerleading team and literally everyone worships her." 


I put my clothes on and head downstairs for the first day school. I see Ma looking at me confused. "You have uniform now, you know that right?" She says. "Yeah I know, I just don't want to wear it." I say.

"Ems, go change." Ma says. 

"But I am changed." 



"Change now."

"I don't want to." She gives me a motherly scolding look, but with me that looks means I'm going to beat your ass. I throw my hands up in defense "Fine." I go upstairs changing into the white shirt and black pants. 

It's fucking ugly.

I go back downstairs and Ma says "You look so cute in it." I raise an eyebrow "No I don't."

"Shut up, yes you do. Have a nice day at school." She kisses my cheek and heads upstairs. 

I get a text from Penelope saying that everyone was at the school already and waiting for me. I get in my car and speed off, it's time to make this school my bitch.


"Finally, where were you?" Penelope asks. "Doesn't matter I'm here now." I say. "Well let's go in." She says. We already had a tour of the school and gotten our schedules. 

"Welcome to School of Mafia Arts or SMA, so is this a solid group because we have Solid 10, Solid 3, and even Solid 1 and many more." The lady at the front desk says.

"Yes, this is Solid 18." Penelope says and the lady asks "So you must be the leader then? The oldest?" She ask P. Penelope points to me, the lady must have not seen me because she gasps. 

"Oh, you're Mrs. Gambino daughter." She says. I nod awkwardly smiling. "Um how come no one ever acknowledges that we're also her sons?" Hades asks. 

You Don't Know Me 2 [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt