Chapter 60: You Don't Know Me

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Mariana POV

Bambi was sitting in her highchair eating her froot loops. I was also in the kitchen wiping down the table. "Why?" Billie asks when she walks in. "Why what baby?" I turn around to face her. "Why can't you let one of the maids clean for you. You're a princess, you shouldn't be working." She tells me.

"Mommy!!!!!" Bambi yells for Billie. "No need to yell angel, I'm right here." Billie says. I decide to take the froot loops from her since she's had so much.

"No." Bambi says. "Bambi, you had enough." I tell her. "No..." The little girl whines. "Fuck." Bambina then says confidently.

Billie tries to hold in her laughs while I walk over to Bambina saying "Excuse me young lady, we do not say that."

She looks at me frowning before crying, I sigh and Billie picks her up. "Aww, don't cry." Billie rocks her and Bambi sniffles putting her thumb in her mouth. "Mama's gonna say sorry." Billie says.

"Uh what?" I say. She turns to me and says "Just say it."

"No, she has to learn, she can't be cursing like that, she's too young." I say. "You curse too." She says. "Yeah, but not at 10 months." I retaliate." She sighs and hands me Bambina "Bitch." She says.

"Billie! You see what she just said?" I ask her and she sighs. "She's just a baby Mariana." Billie tells me. "Then you take her." I say passing her daughter to her.

"Mama's being mean isn't she?" Billie says holding Bambi in the air. "Slut." Bambi says laughing a little. "Okay." Billie looks at me. "I see what you mean. Bambi, no more cursing."


"Ok, that's it." Billie says and she walks somewhere placing Bambi in the corner of the living room. "Stay there until you watch your mouth." Billie says and she sits on the couch.

Bambi stands up and tries to walk out of her position but Billie says "Bambina." Oh yeah, Bambina is a walker now, so she runs everywhere she can.

Bambi is now staring at the wall and she turns to see if Billie is looking, but Billie isn't paying attention. Bambi runs to Billie and Bil groans "No. Time out." She says waving Bambi off.

The baby then does her signature look, which is pouting and Billie says "Corner now."

Bambi walks back to the corner trying to sit down but Billie scares her with her stern voice "Stand."

After a while of standing, Billie asks "Are you ready to be nice to Mama now?"

Bambi looks at us and nods. "Come say sorry." Billie says. Bambi waddles over to me saying "I sworry Mama."

"It's okay my love. Just don't do it again." I tell her.

"K bitch." She says. What have we gotten ourselves into?

Emilia POV

"I love you." Stormi says looking at me as we sit in my bed. The room is a little cold due to the air conditioner being on, so Stormi was clinging onto me for warmth.

Smut Warning
(One last smut for you nasties)
I kiss her and she frowns when I pull away. "Aw, is someone upset?" I tease. Stormi rolls her eyes before connecting our lips. She grabs my face and I grab her hips. She begins to grind on my dick lightly, causing a small whimper to fly out of my mouth.

She tugs at the hem of my shirt and I pull it off disconnecting our lips for a second. I take off Stormi's dress leaving her in her lingerie. I massage her breasts that are covered by her bra. I attach my hand to her bra clasp undoing and it slowly falls off.

You Don't Know Me 2 [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon