Chapter 32: Patrick

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Billie POV

"Let's countdown." Austin says.


Cake flies everywhere and we can't pay attention to the color of the cake. Everyone looks down and I widen my eyes at the color. I'm having a girl. My eyes adjust to the pink cake as Mariana screams in my ear.

"Lord." I mutter under my breath. Mariana hugs me as Emilia and the twins run to us. "I'm having a little sister." Emilia says.

"You mean WE are having a little sister." Hades says. "What? What do you mean? Are you slow?" Emilia asks. "Are you slow? You're adopted, it doesn't apply to you." Hades says. Mariana lets go of me looking towards him as I get prepared to knock his teeth out.

I watch Emilia step back with watery eyes. "Em-." I say but she cuts me off by walking away from us. "Oops?" Hades says catching my attention. Mariana slaps him and he holds his cheek in pain. "Why would you say that bro?" Jayden asks pushing him in his chest.

I love Hades, but he can be so stupid at times. Mariana was still smacking Hades for his words as Jayden says "You're fucking stupid Hades."

Emilia POV

I walk up the same hill that I've been on countless of times. I sit down staring at anything. I sniffle holding back the tears that are wanting to come. Never would I have thought that those words would come out my little brother's mouth.

I feel like pure crap, I don't feel like I belong anymore. Honestly I don't think I ever did. Jayden has Mom's blonde hair and Ma's brown eyes. Hades is a splitting image of Ma and I'm just the odd one out. Green eyes, tan hair, tanned skin. Ugly?

I was never one to talk about my feelings, I guess I get that from Mom.

"If you think what Hades said is true, you're the dumbest person alive." I hear someone say. I turn around to see it's Grandpa.

"Oh hey Papa." I say. He sits besides and I rest my head on his shoulder. "Talk to me kiddo." He says.

"I feel like I don't belong. I guess I'm letting Hades get to my head." I say.

"You're just like Billie in ways you won't understand."

"What do you mean? I look nothing like her."

"It's not about who you look like. It's your demeanour. You both are vicious yet soft at the same time." He says.

"Psh, I'm not a softie." I say quickly. "That's exactly what Billie would say." Papa says.

I laugh a little and he continues "You belong, you always have. You're my first grandchild. I love you, we all love you. Remember that " He says nudging me a little.

"You're talking like it's the last time we're gonna talk." I say chuckling. He doesn't say anything for a while and I say "Is it gonna be the last time we talk?"

"I'm sorry Ems." He says.

"For what? Is there something wrong?"

"Yes. I have terminal cancer." He says and my eyes water. "No..." I say.

"I know, and it sucks. I found out two months ago. Everyone knows except for Billie. I can't tell her." He says.

"Why not?"

"Billie's a daddy's girl. It'll break her knowing that I'm dying and she can't help." I nod a little. It's true, Mom is a daddy's girl. Literally where ever they go.

You'll see Mom clinging onto Papa's side. "You have to tell her Papa." I say. He shakes his head before saying "I can't right now. It takes time."

I nod as he kisses the top of my head. "I love you." I say. "I love you too Emilia."

2 weeks later

Claudia POV

"No!" Billie yells in agony. I'm trying to contain her but she's a mess. A crying mess. "I'm sorry." I say. "He's gone!" She yells falling onto the floor. I catch and I rock her running my fingers through her hair.

Patrick died this morning and Billie just now found out. "Please... Let it be a lie." She whispers. "I'm sorry." I say. Her cries get louder and she stomps on the floor. "I couldn't help him." She says. "It was terminal, he was going to die from it Bil." I say.

"Is everything okay?" A worker asks walking in. "No, just leave please." I say. "I heard what happened. It's pretty funny honestly." The worker responds before laughing a little. Billie looks up slowly before pulling away from me.

"What did you say?" Billie asks, her eyes turning green. "I said it's fun-" The worker is cut off with Billie pouncing on her. Billie is pulled off by Finneas.

"I'm going to kill you!" Billie yells.

"Shh, just calm down Eilish." Finn says kissing the top of his little sister's forehead. "Just calm down."

I know Finneas' hurting too, but he doesn't want to show it.

Finneas guides Billie into the guest room to calm her down. I walk upstairs to see Xavier, Hades and Jayden comforting a heart broken Emilia. 

Ems isn't crying, she's just rocking back and forth in her bed with her arms wrapped around her knees.

I go into Maggie's room to see she's staring out of the window. "Hey." I say. "Hey Claudia." She mutters. "You doing okay?" I ask. "I could really use a hug." She says with a tear rolling down her cheek. I hug her as she breathes heavily still in disbelief.

Mariana POV

I walk into the house and instead of hearing the rush hour which is every hour. There's silence. Strange I think.

I see Zoe and I walk over to her. "What's wrong?" I ask seeing that she has puffy eyes. She's been crying.

"Don't worry about me. Billie needs you right now." She says. "What is it?" I ask. "It's Patrick. He's dead." She says. My heart falls to my stomach and I run everywhere looking for Billie. I can't find her.

I'm panicking now because the last time all the fake deaths of Finneas and parents got to her, she tried to take her life.

"I can't find her." Finneas runs up to me saying. "Where is she!?" I ask loudly. "I'm right here." I hear a quiet voice say. I turn around to see Billie leaning on the wall.

I go to hug her and she accepts. "Emilia no!" I hear someone yell.

I walk to where I hear the voice and I end up on the balcony.

I see Emilia sitting on the railing looking down.

"Emilia, what are you doing?" I ask calmly. "Ems, come here." Billie says. "I love you." She says before jumping.

So... They having a girl... Daddy Patty is dead...What y'all doing?

You Don't Know Me 2 [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum