Chapter 19: "It's Your Turn."

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Emilia POV

"So we know what she was stabbed, we just don't know by who." True clarifies. We tried to find a fingerprint but nothing came up, someone is cleaning their tracks. We are now on our way to check the cameras of the last people to enter and leave Mrs. Kimmel's room. 

We sit down examining the cameras Elana signs into the computer system. We look for Mrs. Kimmel's room and for the next 15 minutes, we watch people walk in and out of her room. "Any one of them could be the killer." Elana says.

"No, we just have to look for something out of the ordinary." I say keeping close attention to the students exiting the classroom.


It's been 2 hours since we started looking at the cameras. I can't skip ahead the footage because I might miss something.

True and Elana gave up and went back to class while I stayed looking for something. "There has to be something." I say to myself. A guy in the video catches my eye, it's Simpson, the jock who's always failing his classes and getting blow jobs in class.

I watch walk into the classroom and after a long period of time, he walks back out but in different clothes. I found my killer. All I have to do is find his bloody clothes that he changed out of.

I go back to the room and at a first glance I see no clothes. I see a closet and I go to open it. Once I do, immediately Simpson's bloody clothes fall onto the floor. He made this way too easy.

I then go to the Principal Lanes' room saying "I found him." He gets up quickly smiling. "Who?" He asks. "Simpson Grey." I say. He nods and thanks me for my work. He tells me to call Mom for further instructions. 

I call Mom and before I can even say "Hey." I get hit with a "I can't talk to you right now, so whoever this is can suck my dick." Mom says quickly not realizing she's talking to her daughter.

"Um, that would be incest as your my Mother." I say and she laughs after a while and says "What's up, I'm dealing with something right now." 

"A student killed a teacher, I know who it is, do I kill him or bring him back to you?" 

"Whatever you want to do." She says and I say "Alright, love you." and hang up.

Ok. So you already know what I want to do. Kill him, obviously. But I have no idea what class he's in. "Hey Lanes, what class is Simpson in right now?" I ask.

"Uh, Archery." He says. Perfect. I smirk as I make my way to the class. Once I open it, I see Simpson talking to another girl. The Archery teacher Ms. Leo says "Why are you here Emilia, are you cutting class?That's a referral you know." 

I smile at her an I say loudly "I'm just here to kill someone." I catch everyone's attention including Simpson's.

"Excuse me? Kill? Wha- who?" Ms. Leo says confused. "Let me do my job please." I say shutting Ms. Leo up. 

Meanwhile, everyone is nervous and I make eye contact with Simpson. Smirking, I walk over to him as he starts backing up. He slams into the wall and starts to panic when he has nowhere to go. 

"You have pretty eyes." I tell him suddenly and he says "Uh, thank you?" 

"Too bad, mines are cooler." I say. He makes a face and says "How? Both of our eyes are green." 

"Mines change bitch." I say. He laughs in my face and I feel myself get angry as my eyes turn blue. "You're a fucking psycho." He says. 

I grab an arrow and I say "Where do you want this in your body?"  

"Nowhere!" He yells. "Unfortunately, you don't have a choice." I laugh a little. Before he can say anything I stab him in the thigh and I move back as he falls forward onto the ground.

"Can someone call for security?" Ms. Leo says grabbing her phone and dialing. I roll my eyes as a security guard comes in storming at me.

I grab his neck quickly turning him around so his back is faced towards me. I put his head in a headlock before sliding my arm harshly hearing a cracking sound in his neck as the security guard falls limp.

"Can someone NOT call for security?" I say and everyone nods quickly. I turn back around to see Simpson is still kneeling down and I kick him in the nose making him fall back.

I step on his fingers harshly as he yells in pain. I pick him up by his collar and I pull the arrow out of his thigh and I smile as I pierce Simpson's forehead. Simpson yells begging me to stop but I dont stop.

I watch the blood seep down to his nose and his eyes roll back and I watch the life come out of Simpson. I let go of him and he falls down. I look around to see everyone is giving me terrified looks.

"Before you say anything, he killed Mrs. Kimmel, okay? So instead of judging me, get back to wanting to be in my bed." I say smirking.

I turn to my head to Ms. Leo saying "Especially you Ms. Leo." I walk out of the classroom leaving Ms. Leo flustered and red in the face.

Billie POV

I left Mariana with Claudia and Kehlani as I make my way down to the basement of the house where all the prisoners and hostages are. I hear someone call me a bitch and I laugh turning around seeing that an old man called me a bitch. I take my gun out pulling the trigger. I laugh as I watch him fall down in pain.

I swing the gun in my hand. Already shot one guy with it. Now it's Que's turn. "We have him ready Mrs. Gambino." One of the workers says to me. I nod and I make my way upstairs to the room where Mr. Rapist is being held.

I open the door to see he's sleeping while tied to a chair. There's another chair across from him and I sit in it. I get handed a bottle of water by Finneas, I open the water and splash in onto Que's face. He gasps snapping his eyes open as I wave smiling a bit.

"Bil, I told you I was sorry. You don't have to this. Please." Que begs. I sigh saying "I've killed thousands of people in my lifetime, you know that right?" I say and he nods.

"It's Your Turn." I say.

Holaaaaa, I have so many new ideas for this book, so many important people are gonna die and I dont care. Right after the whole Que situation is over, some shit might go down with Stormi and Emilia and Billie wants to do something crazy.

I also have another story out called Different, it's like the little sister of this book. It's my second baby. You should go read it, it's called different.

You Don't Know Me 2 [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora