Chapter 11: OD'd

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Mariana POV

I rush her to her  pale body. Her body is cold and her lips are blue. I grab a wet towel placing it on her forehead. "Billie, wake up please." I say. I get no response and Ariana sees us.

"What the fuck?" She says running into the room. "I don't know, I just saw her like this. I think she OD'd." I say and Ari says"Like a suicide attempt?" I widen my eyes, "I'm not focused on that right now, just go get people." I tell Ariana. She gets up running outside. I look at Billie an see that her fingertips are blue. I check for a pulse in  her neck and I don't feel it. 

Ariana POV

I run downstairs and Finn asks if I'm okay. "No. It's Billie, she OD'd." He doesn't say anything and dashes upstairs. "What's going on Mom?" Elana asks coming out of the kitchen. "Nothing, everything's fine." I say trying to tell a lie.

"Tell the truth babe. What is it?" Zoe asks coming out as well. "Fine. It's Billie. She OD'd." Zoe's mouth drops open. "She OD'd on them!?" She yells. "Them? What do you mean them?" I ask suspiciously. "What? I meant uh-" She stutters. 

I tell Elana to leave really quick and I eye Zoe. "Zoe, what do you know?" She shrugs acting confused. I start to take to my thigh high boot off and she says "Ok, Ok. Billie's an addict."

"What!?" Me and Claudia yell in unison with Claudia standing right of me. "What do you mean an addict? And of what?" Claudia says. Zoe sighs saying "Everything? All the heavy shit, she told me not to tell anyone."

"Are you stupid? And you just listened to her and didn't tell anyone?" I say looking at her. 

She laughs and says "Uh yeah? She's my best friend." I push her a little and say "Is your dumb ass aware that your best friend is dying in her wife's arms." Zoe stops and mutters "Sorry."

Mariana POV

I pace around in Billie's room. They just took her out, still unconscious. I stop when I hear Finn say "She'll be fine. She's strong." He tries to comfort me. "Shouldn't I be comforting you? she's your sister."

Finn sighs "You're her wife." I shake my head "A wife that cheated on her, how do you not hate me after what I did?" I ask, he shrugs "Me and Claudia have had our rough times in marriages like you and Bil are now."

I nod running my fingers through my hair. Finneas leaves to give me space and I walk around Billie's room. I trip over something but catch myself. I look down to see a marble tile sticking up. 

Billie is like the richest person in the world, she would not just have marble out of place like that. I kneel down and move the marble. There's an open compartment in the floor and it's filled with things. 

I can't really see what it is but I take them out seeing they are bags full of white powder labeled cocaine. A couple of pill bottles labeled Xanax. Small bottles with liquid in them labeled heroin. Wait she has drugs? I think back to earlier when I found her with the needle and the bottle of spilled pills. 

Has she been doing drugs? Is she a fucking addict? I hear footsteps behind me and the words "I knew." I turn around to see the voice was Zoe. "Knew what?" I ask.

"Uh- about Billie and her drug problem." She says and I get up slowly in disbelief. "You're telling me you knew she was doing drugs, and didn't tell me. So now she's on a stretcher because you couldn't say shit?" I ask.

"I know, it was selfish and I'm sorry. She told me it wouldn't get out of control." She says. 

"She's injecting herself with heroin! Is that not out of hand enough?" I begin to yell. Kehlani walks in and says "Look. Both of you can argue about what she knew, but it isn't going to change the fact that your wife, your bestfriend and my little cousin is fighting for her life right now."

I sigh and say "Can you at least tell me how long she's been doing drugs?" Zoe sucks in a breath and says "4 years?" 

"HUH!?" Me and Kehlani say together.


It's been 6 hours now, Billie is stable. Everyone knows about her drug use, it's not she could hide it any longer after today. The last one to come out is her mom Maggie. 

"Are you going to go in?" She asks and I shrug. "I don't know, I don't deserve to see her." She sits down besides me.

"What happened between you guys was shocking yes at first, but every relationship struggles. But you two alone is already fire by itself. But together, you can burn a whole country or two down." She says.

"What are you saying?" I ask.

"I'm saying that you guys make each other better, Billie was never a fan of relationships until she met you. It would be too hard for her to fall out of love with you no matter how hard she tried." 

I nod and thank her and she gets up walking away. I slowly open the door to see her sleeping peacefully. Her green roots sprawled out over her face. How is she able to still look so beautiful while sleeping. I take small steps towards her, being careful not to wake her up.

I get close to her softly moving her hair out of her face to reveal her perfect face. Her eyes flutter a little and they open. She looks around not noticing me right away. She makes eye contact with me and I think she's gonna make a look of disgust, but instead she smiles. 

"Hey." She says in a raspy voice. "Hi, are you fine?" I ask, she nods. There's a comfortable silence between us for a while and she finally says "I forgive you." I turn around, she looks down.

"It was months ago Mari and I've thought about it and I can't just throw all the years we have away." She says fiddling with her fingers. "Can you promise me that you'll try to stop the drugs?" I ask and she sighs looking down. She struggles but say "Y-yes." I lock lips with her and she kisses me back cupping my face. 

We pull away after we hear arguing beside the door. Arguing from the voice we recognize. Kids. "She's allergic to daffodils dummy." I hear Emilia yell. 

"No, she isn't." Hades and Jayden say in unison. It's true, Billie's allergic to daffodils, she sneezes like crazy. "She's allergic and honestly, they're starting to make my nose itch. Did you both come out of the womb stupid or what? I thought it was only Jayden." Ems says laughing. 

Sge opens the door saying "I'm going to kill your son." Hades tries to walk in but Emilia slams the door on his face without knowing. "Jódete perra puta(Fuck you dumb bitch)." Hades yells and Emilia opens the door to see Hades holding his nose in pain.

Instead of comforting her brother, she laughs at him. "Oh es graciouso? (Oh it's funny?)" Hades says and he punches Ems in the chest. Emilia knees him in the crotch and he doubles over in pain. 

"Alright that's enough." Billie says causing them to stop. Jayden walks in with a bouquet of daffodil flowers. He places them by Billie.

Billie thanks him and she scrunches her nose trying to prevent herself from sneezing. "You're not really allergic to daffodils like little miss green eyes said." Jay asks.

"Of course I'm n-" Billie cuts herself by sneezing. "Told you." Ems says and Billie says "Do you might wanna get them away from me?"

Billie POV

Jay picks them up throwing them in the trash. Emilia laughs as her and the twins start to argue again. I watch as Mariana is telling them to stop arguing over stupid shit and breaking them apart. Yeah, I've definitely forgiven Mariana, all that's left to do is to find Wayne. 


Hey babies. Now you guys now that I wouldn't break them up for long, and I'm scared for Wayne next chapter, and is Solid 18 is ready for new characters and a new school?

You Don't Know Me 2 [Billie Eilish AU] [✅Completed]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin