Chapter 26: Christmas

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Ma means Mariana
Mom means Billie

Emilia POV

It was Christmas Eve and Ma is crazy about Christmas. Every year, she gives each of us something to do. Ma's birthday is also on Christmas but she doesn't want to celebrate until later into the year where Mom has some kind of surprise for her.

"Claudia and Shaina are getting ornaments. Kehlani and Ari are picking up the last few presents. Finn and Zoe are on cooking duty. Me and Ari will be decorating the house. Kids meaning Ems, Jayden, Hades, Elana, Adeya, and Xavier are on cleaning duty." Ma says.

"I don't have to do anything? Finally!" Mom says falling onto the couch. "Oh no. You have the biggest job yet, getting the tree." Ma says. Mom grabs a pillow on the couch and screams into it.

"You always make me get the biggest tree and make me spend all this money." Mom says. "Didn't you just buy another car to add on to your other 15 cars?" Aunt Zoe says.

"Wait, you bought the car? I told you not to!" Ma says. "You know what? Let's forget about this and I'll get the tree." Mom says getting up grabbing her keys. She walks towards the door before Ma says "Get your ass back here so we can return the car."

Mom makes a face before shutting the metal doors quickly. Ma drops her clipboard and tries to open the door but Mom is holding it from the outside. "Let go of the door!" Ma yells.

"Fuck no! This car is staying right here in my garage!" Mom yells back. "Billie Eilish Pirate Baird Gambino! Open this fucking door!"

"Or what?"

"Oh I'll show you what!" Ma says and Mom lets go of the door and all we hear is a lot of noise and after a while we hear "This bitch is trying to kill me!"

We all run outside to see Ma is on top of Mom trying to find her car keys. Ma is pulled off of Mom by Uncle Finn. They both calm down and Ma says "We're returning it."

"No we aren't." Mom replies.

"You have a billion cars already, why do need another one!?"

"Cause I want it? And you just tried to kill me!" Mom yells.

"Nuh uh. Killing you would of been like this dumbass." Ma says before getting out of Uncle Finn's grip and tackling Mom. "Get her off of me!" Mom yells.

Aunt Claudia takes her little sister off of Mom dragging her into the house. "I'm gonna burn your fucking car up." Ma yells from the window. "I dare you." Mom says.

"Oh really watch this." Ma says with a bottle of gasoline in her hand and she disappears from the window. "Oh shit." Mom says before running into the house. This is the kind of family we have.

A few hours later

Luckily Mom's car isn't scorched and we were all doing our things we were told to do. "Ems come here." Ma says. I walk out with her into the dining room as she says "I don't know how to tell Billie that I'm pregnant." You heard right, she's pregnant.

She found out yesterday and she told everyone in the house besides Mom. I give her a few ways of how she can tell her and she says I can go back to cleaning.

I go into the garage where Xavier says "Hey, can you pass me the spray bottle?" I look around for the spray bottle and I see something that looks the same.

"Is this it?" I say before accidentally pressing the screw. I hear a noise and I drop the bottle covering my mouth. "What. Did. You. Do?" Xavier turns looking at the white spray painted cars. Mom's car.

"That was spray paint Emilia!" Xavier yells. "You didn't decide to tell me that?" I ask.

"I thought you knew!" He says back. "That doesn't matter, we need to clean the cars before Mom sees this." I say.

I see a bucket of water and I pick it up quickly. Xavier says "Ems, that's-" He cuts himself off when I throw the water on the car. But the thing is, it wasn't water, it was more white paint.

"Paint." Xavier says. I groan out loud. I hate Christmas Eve.

Christmas Day

Emilia POV

It was Christmas morning and everyone was in their pajamas as I sat on the couch with my head on Jayden's shoulder. We were unwrapping our gifts and I was given a big box. I furrowed my brows in confusion as I looked at my parents.

"Open it." Mom says smirking. I open it and I hear a noise. I look to see it's a baby fox. "You got me a fox!" I say. I pick up the baby fox as it cuddles up to me. I look to see it has a chain with the name Lucifer.

"He's so cute!" Elana says petting him.


Mariana POV

We were all eating Christmas breakfast and I've yet to tell Billie I'm pregnant. "Want coffee?" Billie asks. "I can't have coffee baby." I tell her. "Why? You're allergic or something?" She asks confused. "No, I just can't."

"I'm lost. You're literally addicted to coffee, why can't you have it now?" She asks. "I'm pregnant Billie." I blurt out and she says "Oh okay, my bad for asking."

Did she not hear me? "Billie, did you hear what she said?" Finn asks. "Yeah, she can't have coffee." She says texting someone in her phone. "No Billie, I'm pregnant." I say.

"Yea, you're preg-" Billie cuts herself off looking at me in shock. I give her the positive pregnancy test. "Are you serious?" Billie says. I nod as a tear falls down her cheek. "Are you crying?" Emilia asks.

"No! It's allergies." Billie says hugging me.


Emilia POV

"I have to go, I'll be right back." Mom says going to the garage. I say ok completely forgetting about the ruined cars in the garage. Mom's ruined car. "WHO THE FUCK DID THIS TO CARS?" She yells. I look over to Xavier as I hear her loud footsteps come back in.

She has her pistol in her cocking it. "Who. Ruined. My. Cars?" She spits out through gritted teeth. "I'm sorry Ems, but I can't die. It was Emilia!" Xavier snitches. "You fucking snitch." I yell.

I look at Mom who's furious with her changed colored of green eyes. I get up slowly before running for my life. When it comes to her cars, Mom kills.

Merry Christmas everyone... So Mari's pregnant.

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