"There's no turning back now, Chaeyoung. You'll gonna make Sana your girlfriend tonight" she convinced herself.

Before Chaeyoung left her pad, she made sure that everything is already prepared. She decided not to take Sana on a restaurant but instead, they'll eat dinner in her pad. Chaeyoung prepared a small dinner date event and designed her living room and kitchen to be more.. romantic. She already called the restaurant to deliver the food at eight in the evening.

Chaeyoung watched her little masterpiece. She smiled when she's already satisfied. I'd never thought I can do this. Never thought I'd gone this far just to... Aish!

Sana already texted her that she'll be done soon. Chaeyoung already drove to the University but on her way, she passed by a flower shop. She decided to buy Sana some flowers. As soon as she entered, she already chose a simple yet beautiful flowers. It was  white and pink in color, she thought that the colors matches Sana's personality.

She was still looking for some flowers and her eyes stopped at one. A mint green colored flower. Mina.. Chaeyoung shook her head andwent to the counter to pay for it and to let them wrap it properly.

"Chaeyoung?!" she looked up when she heard someone called her.

"Nayeon! Wow long time no see" she chuckled.

"Yeah! Oh my God I never thought I'd see you in my shop" Nayeon smiled and teased her.

"This is yours? You've gone big time huh"

"Well, I need something to divert my attention with. By the way, how are you Chaeng?"

"Fine, I guess. You?"

"Of course, pretty as always!" they both laughed. "Who is this for? Did Mina already arrived from Japan?"

Chaeyoung cleared her throat before answering. She was flustered just by hearing her name.

"Uh, no. This is for a.. f-friend" she answered unsurely.

"Oh" Nayeon's brow furrowed. "Let me just arrange this. You can sit while you wait" she smiled at Chaeyoung.

She sat while waiting and she's checking her watch from time to time. She's not that late and Sana doesn't texted her yet. Chaeyoung was feeling nervous and she felt like Nayeon has caught her of.. cheating. What the hell Chaeyoung! You're not cheating alright? Relax! Damn it.

"Hey Chaeng! It's done" she stood up and walked to the counter again.

"Thanks Nayeon" she got the flowers and paid for it. "Uh, I need to go. It's really nice seeing you again"

"You too Chaeng. I'm going to tell this to Mina I'm sure she'll be happy and jealous" she laughed and Chaeyoung just smiled at her. "Take care Chaeng!"

Chaeyoung was again on her way to the University to pick up Sana. But she seemed to be bothered by Nayeon and her words.

"I'm going to tell this to Mina I'm sure she'll be happy and jealous"

"Why does she need to tell her about it?? It's not a big deal that we saw each other. Aish! And why would Mina be jealous?!" of course Chaeyoung! You bought flower for a friend? Maybe it could be a big deal or... Not. Psh!

As Chaeyoung was fighting with her own thoughts, she already arrived at the University. Sana was already walking out of the gate. Chaeyoung hurriedly pulled off her car and got out to open the door for Sana.

"Hey. Thanks" Sana smiled. Chaeyoung run back to the other side and went in.

"Thank God I'm on time" she chuckled and get the flower from the backseat. "Uh, for you" she smiled shyly.

"Wow. Thank you Chaeng" Sana blushed and sniffed the flowers. "This smells so good"

"Glad you like it" then she started driving again.

"So... where are you taking me this time?" Sana turned to her.

"Hmm to my pad" she saw how Sana's eyes became wide.

"Y-your pad?! Why? I thought we will-"

"Yes Sana and we will eat at my pad. Look, just relax okay? Trust me" she winked at Sana but the latter just laugh and smacked her arm.

They arrived at Chaeyoung's pad in no time. Chaeyoung typed her passcode and Sana glanced at it.

"0324" Sana mumbled. Chaeyoung heard her and turned to her.


"Oh I'm sorry. I saw your passcode" she said shyly. "Was it your birthday?" she asked smiling.

"Uh no. It's M-Mina's" Sana shot up her brows but just shrugged and followed Chaeyoung inside.

When she finally entered, Sana was surprised. The living room was full of candles on the the pathway. It served as the only light and everything was dark.

"Chaeyoung? Where are you?" then a slow music suddenly played. Chaeyoung showed herself and asked Sana to walk to the kitchen.

Sana was again left in awe when she arrived at the kitchen. The table was with candles and flower in a vase. The plates was also properly arranged and with a wine on the side. Sana can't stop herself from smiling. Chaeyoung pulled a chair and Sana walked to her and sat.

"Just wait here, okay?" Chaeyoung smiled at her and she just silently nodded. She prepared their food and sat in front of Sana.

"So, what can you say? Is the restaurant better or here?" Chaeyoung asked teasingly.

"Of course here! Oh my God this is so romantic you know?" Sana said while smiling widely.

Chaeyoung poured a wine on Sana's glass and also on hers. They started eating while glancing at each other and smiling. Once they're done, Chaeyoung holds Sana's hand and they went to the living room. Sana was about to sit but Chaeyoung pulled her and started to dance slowly.

"Hey, I can't dance" she chuckled.

"Just follow me" Chaeyoung whispered. Sana blushed as she felt her hot breath. They were dancing slowly, feeling the music, feeling the moment and feeling each other's warmth.

"Chaeng, can I ask you something?"


"Uh, what is this all about?" Chaeyoung stopped from swaying and looked at Sana. She was nervous but she didn't want her to notice it. She was still unsure but like what she said, there's no turning back now. She heaved a sigh and smiled at Sana.

"Well, can't you see? I've missed you from those days we were not talking. And I've realized that I want to make you mine. I want you to be my girlfriend Mi.. Uh Sana" shit. Sana was confused as if trying to process everything. She didn't mind even though she noticed but just gave Chaeyoung a sweet smile.

"You know, since I've saw you at the bar I already find you attractive. I won't go to you first and get your number if I'm not, right?" they both chuckled. "And I like you too Chaeng. So yes, I'll be your girlfriend"

Chaeyoung can't believe her ears. Sana said yes. She's happy, she's happy that her efforts didn't go to waste. She's happy that everything worked out, her plan worked out. She's happy but not the happiness her heart is longing for. Chaeyoung felt guilty, but she can't undo everything now. Just take responsibility on it Chaeyoung!

She kissed Sana and she can feel Sana was smiling between her kisses. Chaeyoung decided to not let her thoughts wonder somewhere else and just focus on the girl in front of her which is, her girlfriend.

They continued kissing and found their way to Chaeyoung's bedroom. In there, they shared a hot night but for Sana it was full of love. She slept hugging Chaeyoung and with a smile on her face.

Chaeyoung was just laying still and staring outside her windows, to the sky and to the stars. It was not full of stars, they were fading like a rain was about to pour. She smiled bitterly and closed her eyes and a tear escaped.

Just like the stars fading for a rain to pour, you are also slipping away from me. I've made you slipped away tonight my star, my Mina.

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