14. Luck

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"Doctor, will she be okay?"

As Jihyo watches Yoona right through the glass window of the ICU, Yoongi came to her doctor to ask about her condition. 

"We can only say after performing the surgery. Right now, nothing is sure yet. We are just glad that she's a fighter and though her vitals are weak, it's not getting worse."

"We're doing all we can to quickly find a donor and once we find one, please do the surgery as quickly as possible too. Save her, doctor."

"We will do our best, that I can assure you. She's fighting with every bit of her energy, how can we not do the same with your child?"

He timidly smiled at the doctor.  Too bad, none of them can be a donor to fasten the surgery. When the doctor left, he called his members to take a raincheck.

"We're finding a possible donor. Block B's former manager has a negative blood type, it's just that they lost contact with him. Don't worry, we're looking at it as we speak. I'll call you soon once we get a hold of him, okay?"

"Thank you so much, Hyung."


Daniel searched everywhere to find the blood type they need. He called all his contacts to ask for help too but to no avail. He drives his motorcycle with tears blocking his sight but that doesn't stop him from going a distance just to help Yoona. 

But fate must be testing the Kang family too. Out of Daniel's desperation, he exceeds the speed limit while riding his motorcycle and unfortunately collided with a car on a curve lane. It was not a big accident, thankfully. Also, the driver of the car appears unharmed despite the collision and immediately went to check on him. Daniel with his strong will can stand on his feet though struggling. The woman asked him to stay still while she calls for an ambulance but Daniel insists he needs to go and look for Yoona's blood type.

"What blood type are you looking for? Don't the hospitals nearby have it on their blood bank?"

"If they have, I won't be fast driving just to get to every hospital in Seoul and ask for help. I'm looking for a rare type of blood, Miss."

"Wait, rare type? You're not referring to AB Negative, are you?"

Daniel felt like a sudden surge of energy and grab the woman by her shoulders.

"Yes I am, do you know anyone with the same blood type?"

"Me, I am AB Negative."

He cannot believe what she just said. Her voice sounds angelic and it gives him chills down his spine. The woman in front of him suddenly looks like an Angel sent from above to stop his chase and offer him help.

"I'm begging you Miss, please help our Yoona."

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