"Good, I'm genius," he compliments himself with a smirk.

"Oh, totally," I say sarcastically and he gasps dramatically, to which I giggle at.

And then it goes back to the depressing silence.

I check my phone with my right hand that is not occupied in Niall's, and check the time again.


The flight attendants have already started to call rows, and I know they most definitely have already called the boys' row, assuming they are first class and the best seats on the plane.

"Rows 23 to 29 please make your way to over here, rows 23 to 29," a female voice sounds, and I turn to see her speaking into a microphone.

"What row are you?" I ask Niall.

"I think I'm one, but out of us all we take up the first three," he says.

I've never been on a plane before, so I have no idea how many seats are in a row, or how many rows there are. Or what the inside of a plane even looks like, the whole idea seems fascinating, yet very nerve racking. I have nerves and I'm not even the one going on the plane.

"Have you ever flown first class?" Niall asks.


"Once you go first class, you never go back. So you will never go back to all those other lame seats after I take you where we seat when we fly publicly,"

"You want to take me on a plane?" I ask, not realizing how stupid the question sounds until it leaves my mouth and I can't take it back.

"Yeah, o'course! Haven't we been over this before? I wanna take you all over the world. Travel everywhere," he says, spreading his left hand out wide, not releasing mine in his right.

"Where have you been before?" he asks.

"Uh, Maine, Connecticut, Rhode Island. Oh and New York City once. I went with my brother and his friend for New Years Eve at Times Square, that was...interesting," I laugh, remembering a happy memory. One of my favorites of Timmy .

"You have a brother? I never really thought to ask about your family. I wanna meet them someday," he says with a smile.

"Maybe someday," I mutter, wanting to change the subject because the moment he finds out about my screwed up relationships with my family, I know he won't ever look at me the same.

He probably won't even look at me again.

Niall talks about his family like they are his life. Everything to him.

I talk about my parents like they are shit. Because, well, it's not totally false.

Have I ever even told Niall about my family?

I don't think so.

Unless Harry and Liam told them what they overheard while I was on the phone with my mother when she called me after the accident, but I doubt it. They don't seem like the type to just spread random chatter.

"How is your brother? He wouldn't beat me up for being around you so often, right?" Niall laughs and I clench my teeth.

"No-no. Never," I manage to choke out.

"Over protective brothers are the worst. Not that it's a bad thing, I bet he loves you loads, but it's not good in my case," he laughs again, but I don't respond. I want him to realize I want to change the subject.

Scratch that.

I don't want to change the subject, I need too. Otherwise this is gonna be another emotional roller coaster.

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