Chapter 42

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"I have to get out of here," I mumble to Morgan. My head is spinning and I swear it's weightless. The whole sensation is driving me insane. I can't handle this at all. I need to leave. 

My head starts pounding and I can't tell if it's because of my concussion or the situation.

Either way, the pain is unbearable.

I turn my whole body to face her and she grabs my upper arms, her face pleading.

"Allyson, what's wrong?" worry fills her caramelized brown eyes.

Oh, nothing. Just the fact that I had one of the best dreams of my life and this song was playing in the background and now I feel like I'm going to feint over the situation.

"I just don't feel good," it's not a complete lie. It's with holding the truth, and there's a difference between the two.

"Drink some water and you'll be fine. If you want to sit, that's okay too," she says and I can tell she wants to stay for the concert and knows if I leave she will follow me. For her sake, I sigh and turn back towards the stage just as Zayn starts to sing.

Niall is directly in front of me, a mere few feet in front of me. His fingers move swiftly on the arm of his guitar as the notes play out so smoothly. So sweetly, just like I remember from when I first heard them. Even though it was a dream after all. At least it felt real.

The face on Harry's face throughout the song is a wicked one. He is ecstatic, and even tries to point out into the crowd to get Niall to look our way. But his eyes just follow the lights of the stadium and to the sky. For a second I swear it even looks like he is silently praying. I don't know anything about his religious beliefs, but with his personality I wouldn't be surprised if he is a strong believer.

The way his hair his perfectly set, and how his skin is glowing under the lights of the stadium, he is angelic. 

Curious as to what he keeps traveling his eyes across, I decide to turn and look around the stadium myself. And that's when I see the beauty of it all. 

Cell phone lights, iPods, cameras, and pretty much everything that can light up is illuminating the crowd. It's beautiful, I've never seen something as incredible. Chills are sent down my spine. 

Small, large, and average sized posters and other objects are also being held up. Each one is so beautiful and original, I wonder how much time and effort was put in every single detail.







Some of them I don't really understand, but I guess I don't know much about this band after all. 

Doesn't every girl "heart their daddy?"

I take that back. 

I don't "heart my daddy,".

No matter how I feel about Niall or how many times I deny what I do, there is no doubt I am so proud of these boys. They deserve this much attention. Knowing for them only a short period of time, I already have a taste of how generous and amazing they truly are. I can only imagine what they have done for people.

My attention on the stadium is changed when soft voices are heard throughout the crowd. Then I realize the band is still playing but that sweet melody Niall was playing on his acoustic has stopped. And no one is singing.

"Niall, it's your verse," Harry says into Niall's ear but it is heard due to Niall's microphone being an earpiece. I turn to face the boys and they are all looking at me.

Including Niall.

He doesn't respond to him, but continues to look me dead in the eyes. He doesn't even blink. I can't tell what emotion he is feeling most; because so many are painted across his face.

None are very positive.

He begins to fumble his guitar around and tries to take it off of himself. 

"I-I can't do this," he mumbles and everyone in the crowd starts to panic.

"Niall," Harry stands up and puts his arm on his band mate, who shrugs him off. Harry's mouth parts open and it's apparent that he is upset over the denial of his gesture.

Niall shakes his head, where he also places his hands as he walks down the cat walk. Harry paces back and forth as the other boys are stricken with shock.

After a few moments Harry starts to run to Niall who is almost off the stage at this point.

My mind is spinning uncontrollably and I have to take a seat before I really do pass out.

My head is pounding and I regret this whole night. Why would I come to a concert with a concussion?

Only an idiot would. 

This is all your fault.

None of this would've happened if you just stayed away from him.

This is because of you.

You're such a fuck up.

Haven't you learned by now?


Everything is always your fault.

Everything is always because of you.

I grab my water bottle, but my hands are shaking too much to unscrew the cap.

The crowd starts saying something, some how in sync. But my mind is too fuzzy to tell.

"Oh my," Liam says into his microphone and that's when I realize they're not just saying anything.

They're singing the rest of the song.

Louis' jaw is open in amazement, as Zayn and Liam look into the crowd with amazement.

They finish the song, and the boys fumble with their microphones before huddling together. I assume they turn them off so now one could hear their conversation.

"Is the concert over?" a voice behind me says.

"I don't know, I hope Niall's okay," someone answers.

"What even happened? Why was he like, upset all of a sudden?" the original voice asks.

"I don't know, but we will probably find out soon. Someone will-everyone has connections when it comes to this band. Either way, whoever is responsible for it will pay," the second voice responds and my stomach drops.

"Do you think it had to do with that whole 'special guest thing'?" a different voice this time asks.

Everything seems to be fading to a mono tone, and the stage is rising up and down, and tilting on it's side back and forth. That's a really cool effect.

"Allyson?" Morgan asks, but she sounds so far away. Is she still next to me? Or is she on stage? I can't tell, and I can't get my head to move. My neck won't turn. It's like my body won't listen to my mind.

"Probably, ugh I already hate the two girls already. Whoever they are, I hate them," the second voice says.

"Allyson," this time Morgan says my name not as a question, but she sounds angry. Why is she mad at me?

Everything get's fuzzy and instead of a pounding head ache, it's more of a throb. 

Then everything is numb, and I peacefully start to fade, as I hear Morgan calling out my name, somewhere, in the distant.

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