Chapter 49

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///Hey guys! This is a double update today so ENJOY!!! x ///

I am constantly checking my phone for an update on time, knowing each second is closer to my last moments with Niall.

It's currently 11:45 and his flight leaves at 12:05. They board at 11:55 and he has to be on by noon.

We are sitting next to each other in the terminal for London and he has been trying to make small talk, but we both know how sad we really are and the laughs we have shared the past hour are only hiding the tears wanting to spill.

The rest of the boys are across from us, and Morgan sits between Harry and Louis while they both tease her from the sides. It's funny and entertaining, but I want to focus on Niall and only Niall.

"We can text, you have my number right?" Niall asks.

"Yes, now that I have my phone back, and I saw that you already put all of your numbers to contact you in it," I reply and he laughs, not a true one but at least he's trying.

"The plane has wifi, so I can try and use that for my iMessage, and we can talk during the flight! It's a pretty long one, too. And when I land I can call you," he offers.

"International calls are really expensive and I don't know if I can afford that all the time, I'm sorry," it pains me to say these words, but it's a practical answer and this is my lifestyle, he has to know this.

"Then send me your phone bill," he says it so casually that I know he would pay for not only my phone bill but every other bill I receive, but I would never ever use his money. I would barely let him pay for my ice cream just last week.

"We can work it out, okay?" I offer and he nods.

The airport is extremely noisy, due to the hundreds of people who showed up to see these five idiots, I was shocked. There are still girls trying to get to where we are and yelling random, pointless but rather hilarious comments, but security guards are surrounding the area so we are "private".

"I'm gonna miss you, Allyson," Niall mumbles under his breath and my heart aches.

"I'm gonna miss you, too," I mutter back.

His hand twitches up from his thigh but then he places it back and scratches his knee.

"If you want to hold my hand, you can," I tell him quietly, and he does just so.

"Harry give me my fucking skittles!" Louis screams at the top of his lungs as Harry doubles over in laughter and Morgan's eyes widen.

Niall laughs, too, just like the other two boys also do.

"No, finders keepers losers weepers," Harry says, popping another skittle in his mouth. Louis leans over Morgan, waving his arms to snatch them out of his hand but Harry is quick to his feet and sprints away from the chair, causing the security guards to panic and the fans to scream as they can only watch from over the heads and in between the guards.

Harry tries to squeeze between the guards but they shove him back and Louis wraps his arms around Harry and the skittles go flying as Louis send a shrilling cry, you would think it was murder.

"My skittles!" he shouts, and about ten packets of skittles are thrown over the security guards and into our small enclosed area.

"You guys are the best fans in the world!" Louis shouts back, snatching the skittles and one of the men tells him not to eat them but he does so anyways.

"What about Skype? Or FaceTime?" Niall says, and I snap back to him and focus less on the two brunette goofballs.

"That could work," I tell him.

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