Keith x Nifa - Standing Strong

Start from the beginning


They weren't meant to go through this alone.

"Look, Keith, I know we meet here every Sunday before the school week starts, and I know that this was my idea, but you know you don't have to come and I'm not asking you to come at the risk of you keeling over to get here-" he looked away from her face, expression guilty, "-I know that you've been acting off this last week, you're barely talking to me anymore, and now this? You running here? What's up with that?"

"I-" she watched him bit his lip, her ability to hear his low mumblings after being friends for so long the only thing allowing her to hear his next words, "I don't want to talk about it."

Nifa frowned, brows furrowing. Although she wasn't completely sure what this was about, she had a rough idea- her stomach churning uncomfortably with the realization- of what it could be, guilt pooling in her stomach that she hadn't realized it sooner-

This Thursday would make six full years since his dad died.

That- that was a long time for someone like Keith.

Being alive this long without encountering any actual foster parents who truly understood the crushing loss that came with being alone was nearly enough to drive you insane. But, with no one to understand the loneliness with a mother gone (at least she'd assume so, Keith never really talks about her), and a dad dead, how can you go through that all on your own?

How can you pull yourself together when you're already so broken inside?

How can you push yourself to do anything at all?

The answer was simple enough.

Find a friend who's suffered through the same tragedy you have (a feat all on it's own but worth it in the end), and then, never let go.

Keith's dad passed when he was six. Being put into the foster system so young would make any kid grow up faster than they should. Heck, after her parents passed it was by luck that they found each other in the first place, a minor family change having them both attending the same school after being abused in previous foster set-ups. Both of them had been broken, both uncertain of what their future would hold, both reformed by the strength of their friendship, it was only by the bond they shared that they'd remained sane during those times, and Nifa was sure as hell not going to let them drift apart- "Keith, if this is about your dad being gone for almost six years, it's okay to be upset, and I promise I'm right here for you-"

"No," he was shaking his head before the words even fully left her mouth, fists tightening, knuckles going white as black hair fell further into his downcast face, "No, i-it's not that."

"Then what is it?" She could feel annoyance beginning to creep up in her tone, fingers digging into the bench as she faced him, "if it's not about your dad, or- or your foster parents, then what?"

"I told you I don't want to talk about it-"

"Keith, come on, please-"

"I said I don't want to talk about it, Nifa, so just let it go!"

She startled at the sudden hardness of his tone, eyes widening as he looked back at her, expression twisted into a scowl, purple eyes pleading to just let the subject drop-


Just let it go-

She bit her lip, looking at him for a moment more before dropping her eyes down to her own lap, fingers clenching before finally relaxing.





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