" Families." Tyson are marketing adviser spoke.

" Ding dong." She said with fire in her eyes. " Families. And no family in the world wants to bring there kids to a resort where the owners  penis can we found with one click on the internet. You don't pay her now you'll lose far worse. Double it before she finds a better offer. Such as one of your competitors looking to tarnish your repetition, as if you haven't done it enough." She mumbled the last part.

" The Rangers." My Father growled.

" Correct." She replied her legs crossed and a stone expression across her face. All I could think about was taking her dark hair out of that tight bun.

She was beyond beautiful.

But I never would have married, she was stiff. I don't think I would have married anyone if it wasn't for my Father.

" I'll write the check."  My Dad said

" And I'll write the Non-disclosure agreement." Her Father said. Impressed and pride radiating off of him.

" Johnathan." My Dads cold eyes looked at me.


" Johnathan."

Snapping back into reality the piles of paper work surround me nearly stifling as I sat at my desk.

" What." I snapped annoyed already battling a migraine. Bruce entered the room his forehead tensed and his strands of sliver glistening from the light. His frowned eyebrows making clear of his distress.

" Your daughter has made a fool out of all of us." He exclaimed slapping down a pile of gossip magazines. " How can you accept this type of behavior?"


The cause of my migraines.

I sighed closing my folder shut sensing that I won't be getting any work done. With another heavy sigh I got up from my desk and heading towards the small cocktail bar not answering Bruce leaving him frustrated as I casually poured me a shot of bourbon. Placing the cold glass against my slips I tasted the bitter joy. Still I remained unresponsive as if Bruce's presence was the least of my worries.

" Her and that..... that Hoodlum are plastered everywhere. People, TMZ, Star-"

"Thought you would have been proud." I cooly said placing my glass down on the marble counter the sharp tap ringing around the room once again I poured another shot.

Bruce's eyes widen surprised by my comment.
" What?"

" We all do it." My eyes fell over my kingdom my domain. The large luxurious city of Vegas. " I don't know what it is, but for some reason we can't help but run to the ruins. It's no better. Its damaged it's vandalized, but it's different." My finger trailed the sides of the small shot glass. " And for some reason we like ruins, ether to save some else, or lose our selves."

" You're talking in metaphors John if you have something to-"

" I did." A sad chuckle left my lips. " Ran into the ruins tempted by the chaos because a lack order can be freeing and in return I ruined the stability of perfection with stained hands." I huffed reflecting on the times. " You did it. " I spoke looking up at now sickly a pale Bruce." You'd just never admit it Clyde."

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