A night at Kendall's place with the guys

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"Hey Logan what are you doing Saturday night?" Carlos asks him

"Probably staying in and catching a movie why?" Logan says to him

"No me, you, Kendall and James are having a night out" Carlos says to him

"What are we going to do?" Logan asks his friend

"Go out to the clubs and have a good time" Carlos says to him

"What about Alexa?" Logan asks

"She will be fine besides she was the one that suggested that we go out anyway" Carlos says to him

"Okay count me in, but I will be the designated driver of the night cause I know how you guys get after a couple of shots, beers and everything else" Logan says from his end of the phone line

"Sounds fair enough, but you must have one drink at each of the clubs we go to" Carlos says

"Deal I need to let loose a little bit and this is the perfect way to do it" Logan says to him

"Sounds great buddy see you Saturday" Carlos says as he hangs up the phone

"Yeah see ya Saturday" Logan says as he hangs up the phone as well

Logan was pretty glad that he was going out with the guys it was going to be just like old times when the band was together, and they were performing for thousands of fans every night, and his new show on Nick was doing good, so why not go out and celebrate with his best buds for a night

(Saturday night)

Logan was ready he was wearing a t-shirt, jeans and his converse cause he didn't want to trip as they headed into the bars that night

"You ready Logan?" Carlos asks him when he got in Logan's car, so they could go clubbing that night

"Ready as I'll ever be" Logan says as they head to pick up James and Kendall from their place

"Hey Loges man I am digging the facial hair that you have going on" James says as he gets in the car

"Thanks I decided to let it grow out some for my character on the show" Logan says as they head to where Kendall was

Kendall decided that he was going to throw a party with just the three of them since he knew the clubs were going to be busy on a Saturday night

"Kendall why aren't you ready dude?" Carlos asks him

"I decided to go get the booze and everything myself and we can have our own little party with just the four of us" Kendall says as he lets his friends in his place

"That is mighty nice of you" James says as he comes into the house

"What are we playing Ken?" Carlos asks his friend

"I thought we start with some poker and then move over to the fun games" Kendall says to his friends

"Okay that sounds like a plan" Carlos says as he grabs his drink and heads over to the poker table to play some poker

The guys had a fun time playing poker and catching up what has been going on lately since the band broke up

"Carlos is the marriage still going strong buddy?" James asks as he deals the next hand

"Of course it is and me and Lex are expecting" Carlos says as he looks at the cards that James was dealing to him

"That's good" Kendall says as he goes and gets more alcohol for the others since Logan was drinking water cause he was the safe driver of the evening, and he didn't want to get really drunk at all expecially with Kendall who gets crazy when her gets really drunk

After several rounds of poker they decided to play the fun games cause the guys were definately in the mood to play those games cause some of them were broke from playing poker

"What game are we playing first Kendall?" Logan asks as he sits down on one of Kendall's chair

"Truth or dare" Kendall says as he sits down with his drink that he had in his hand

Logan knew that game wasn't going to end well cause truth or dare gets out of hand really easily with the four of them

"Who is going to go first?" James asks as he takes a sip of his drink

"I'll go first James truth or dare?" Carlos asks his friend

"Truth" James says as he gets comfortable

"While you and Peta were dancing did you guys have feelings for each other or not?" Carlos asks him

James bit his lip cause he needed to think about that question a lot before he gave Carlos an answer

"I have to say truth" James says

The other three were humming the wedding march to him

"Guys we aren't getting married we are just friends for now" James sasys to them

"Yeah right" Kendall says 

"Okay Logan truth or dare?" James asks him

"I have to say dare" Logan says to him

"Okay Logan i dare you to go make-out with kendall" James says to him as he takes another sip of his drink

Logan gets up and heads to Kendall's bedroom, so they could get this over with, so he could asks Carlos his question that he wanted to ask

"You ready to get this on Henderson?" Kendall asks him

"Ready as I'll ever be I guess" Logan says as he takes off his jeans and puts them somewhere, so after they got done they could go back to where James and Carlos was 

Kendall takes off his clothes as Logan continues to strip down to his boxers

"Kendall i hope you have protection?" Logan asks as he gets into bed, so they could get it on

"Logie we can't get pregnant at all" Kendall says to him

"I still want to play it safe" Logan tells him

Kendall didn't put no protection on, so Logan was worried about this, and he was so glad when it was all over

"Okay Carlos Truth or Dare?" Logan asks as he returns to the room

"Truth" Carlos says to him

Logan asks him his question, and was really glad that the night was about over, and he could go home


"What game are we playing next?" Carlos asks

"The drinking game" Kendall says to them

After a lot of drinks Logan decided to take Carlos and james home for the night little did Logan know something was brewing in his tummy that he wasn't expecting

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