"survival- (climax)"

74 7 2

Just as he pointed the end of the pistol, lucas's mind did a toss that he suddenly smiled making everyone fall in deep confusion.

Taehyung slit his eyes " what are you thinking now?"

Hongbin raised his brows "cant you ever accept that you've lost, even after all this trapping do you still wanna play a fight?"

Lucas looked up at them in the eyes and turned to jungkook "did you think your hyung was so foolish enough to believe in you??"

Jungkook was wondering what he meant, he simply kept staring at the man with a fixed expressionless face.

Taehyung stepped forward but then lucas drifted sideways holding jungkook's hand, smacking his neck making him drop his pistol.
Lucas held the gun in his other hand and fired at the light.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. Everyone were startled, hongbin held minah's hand and pushed her to the corner, Taehyung looked around in confusion.

The only light source now flickered showing glances of movement

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

The only light source now flickered showing glances of movement. Taehyung could make out jungkook on the floor, gunpoint right at his temple and holding the pistol was lucas, giving the most scariest smile he ever had.
"jungkook!!" Taehyung stepped forward but lucas threatened him to stay,
"Taehyung stay back or else ill finish this guy"

Taehyung froze in his position. Ken and ravi immediately backed up suzy holding her behind them.

Namjoon and hyuk took out their pistols too ready to fire.

"leave him" Taehyung whispered but lucas pressed it even harder on jungkook's skin making him twitch.

Hongbin held minah by her shoulders when he saw her close her mouth at the scene, "stay right here, dont come out, trust me"

"no dont go, its dangerous" she held him back by his arm

"i cant leave him alone in this fight, dont worry ill be fine" he reassured her with a smile and sneaked behind the piled up boxes beside.

The only thing that was audible was the breathing of the person beside them. Ken made sure that ravi and hyuk were looking at him when he nodded at them.

As soon as they received his signal both hyuk and ravi sprang on their toes and darted on either side of lucas. They were so quick that before lucas realised, hyuk kicked him right across his face and ravi pulled jungkook from beneath the gun point.

Immediately Taehyung jumped mid air and kicked lucas right at his chest pushing him back with full force.

Ken yelled "LEAVE!!!" at jungkook and he ran forward.

Namjoon was left behind guarding suzy. Hongbin skid out and held lucas by his neck just in position when Taehyung held the other hand with the pistol stopping him from firing randomly.

My Poisonous Cure -A Kth/Lhb Ff (COMPLETED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin