In the past two weeks, I have already made friends and partied to know them better. They have something different, which only the students of Kings Valley possess, from other college students, in a good way.

Noah, Bella, Max are my new friends here. I mingled with them more than any other student. Bella is off-limit because she is a lesbian. But I have already exchanged numbers with many other girls including Victoria, head of the cheerleading squad of college. She has been texting me subtle messages to hook up with her but I have been waiting for perfect timing and today feels to be accurate.

My thoughts come to halt when William stops the car at the stoplight, waiting for the green signal. I turn down my window to look outside to ease my supererogatory excitement and instantly my gaze fixates on a girl. I am not a gentleman, not by a long shot but it takes more than extra efforts to catch my attention but there is something about this girl that has me gravitating towards her.

I can't see her face clearly because she has her back to me but I can tell, she is H-O-T. Her mustard color sundress is just above her knees, giving me a perfect view of her white-toned legs. Her curves are so inviting that I feel my palm twitching to touch her once, just to confirm if her skin is as smooth as it seems. As if she can feel my gaze on her, she turns to me and now I can see her face.

And, Holy Jesus! She is beautiful.

More than just beautiful. I don't know if there is any word in a dictionary to define her beauty.

What I do know is, something is wrong with my lungs. Because suddenly it seems I am not breathing enough.

She smiles my way and me being me, I smile back. Then she gestures me to come out with her hands. I remain seated in surprise for a second before getting my wits together. 

Maybe she is just forward, like me.

I step out of my car and march towards her with long strides whilst checking her out. Yes, I am full-fledged checking her out. Once I reach her, her fragrance has me mesmerized. White Lilly and strawberry. I close my eyes for a moment and shake my head to get rid of this temporary madness. 

I was so wrong before, she is not just H-O-T but the epitome of sexy and hotness. Her face is so innocent and pretty. She looks more beautiful from close up here. Her red lipstick is complementing her plump lips.

But what gets me stop in my tracks are her eyes. I have never seen such a combination of eyes before. It's so bright with purity and full of life. Sea green with golden freckles. Her cheeks are tinted pink with natural blush and something tells me I will never be able to remove her face from my mind ever. It's just imprinted

"Would you mind helping us, please?" 

I snap back to reality, hearing her voice.

It's so soft and melodic. Very different from other girls I have ever met. It's not shrill or high-pitched. Just sweet and soft.

For god's sake, a beautiful face, captivating and unique eyes, sexy body, and top of that, her voice. The epitome of perfection.

I can give more than a fortune to have her in my bed.

Her face and other skin parts that are visible to my eyes are free of any blemish and freckles. It's like someone has painted her with silky smooth white paint.

She waves her hand in front of my eyes to gain my attention. I clear my throat awkwardly. God, this is the first time I'm feeling such emotions, strange but good.

Because this is the first time you saw a beauty like her. My subconscious mind reminds me which is true. I may have met gorgeous and hot girls before but they all seem plain in her comparison. She is unique.

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