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"I didn't know there were still people squatting in these woods." Ruby softly spoke, following Jaune as Blake chopped down branches and brush in front.

"They aren't squatters, most of them are either in hiding or doing something illegal." The faunas replied.

"How do we know they aren't criminals?"

"They wouldn't have asked for help."

Jaune let out an almost, girly, squeal. "Can I just say I've never done S&R before?" His demeanor saddened a bit. "Sure, Team RNJR helped lots of people but..it was mostly Nora, Ruby and Ren being their usual awesome selves, smashing and slicing things..."

The girls stopped to face him.

"What do you mean? You contributed just as much as the rest of us." Ruby gave him a reassuring smile.

Jaune unconsciously rubbed the back of his head. "I guess but I just don't want to be a burden here, considering I'm a noob."

Even though Blake and Ruby had their respective partners, they'd have a couple times where they'd team up on rescue missions or any small-time gig that required stealth. Team LadyBug would only be formed when Yang's overall brute strength or Weiss' glyphs were deemed unnecessary. Blake's heightened senses and night vision paired well with Ruby's speed and her skill as a marksmen.

It occurred to them that Jaune most likely didn't see how he'd fit in beside a skilled sniper and a ninja.

"Jaune, you have the strongest aura out of all of us and you're brave. I couldn't have asked for a better knight to watch over us."

"Yeah!" Ruby exclaimed before stopping in her tracks as they reached a vantage point that overlooked what looked like a big shanty town. She laid flat on her stomach as she peered through her scope. "Kay, I'm ready. Remember the safe word is Milk!" She giggled.

Blake rolled her eyes at the comment. Ruby always made up a new designated word everytime. The point was for Ruby to only provide general overwatch and stun any threat with an electric dust pellet. If Blake said the word through the comms then Ruby would know what had to be done.

Jaune quietly slid down the small cliff, following the raven-haired feline in front.
"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Blake. I just wish I could get stronger. Or have half as much determination as Yang had lately."

"What do you mean?"

His answer was cut short as a quick gunshot rang through the air. Before the noise even ceased, Blake had turned around in battle stance.

The small makeshift village consisted of tents, rags, sheets, cardboard, wood, you name it. From those same homes came the townspeople, a majority of them wearing the White Fang insignia.

"Who are you?" The faunas who had shot the weapon in the sky slowly brought it back down, aiming it at Jaune.

"We're the huntsmen here to help you." Blake spoke, still keeping her hand on her sword. She didn't want to hurt anyone if she didn't have to but that red symbol they wore always made her wary.

"Help?" A dry, raspy laugh escaped his lips. "You look like a bunch of kids to me."

"All that matters is that we're capable of doing our job."

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