S2. Episode fourteen

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S2:E14 Forgotten faces


I spun my pencil on my finger as I stared down at my notebook, trying to memorize the key commands for my CS class. This class was almost too easy to be honest, I honestly didn't need to study for it but I wanted to have a slight edge so.. here I was. In the library on a Friday night studying.

"I hate April showers." I looked up as Jasmine walked towards the table holding a scowl, two cups, and an umbrella tucked under her arm after I begged her for thirty minutes to go get us hot cocoa. "Here brat." She said and set the cup in front of me.

I gave her a toothy smile as I picked up the cup, warming up my hands and insides instantly. "Thanks pretty." I took a sip and hummed before sitting it down. "What are you working on?" I asked when she opened a textbook that was highlighted like a motherfucker.

"Nursing school exam. If I pass.. I get in." I raised my eyebrows and she nodded.

"Nursing school huh? What do you want to be exactly?" I asked, my focus off of my notes and on her.

"Well..." I furrowed my eyebrows as she sighed. "My mom wants me to either be an OBGYN, the doctor that delivers babies, or a brain surgeon."

I folded my hands as she shrugged and flipped through the pages of the textbook. "That's what your mom wants."

"Huh?" She mumbled and looked up.

"I said what do you want to be. Not what your mom wants you to be." I watched as what looked like a million feelings ran through her eyes. It was almost like she'd never been asked that question before.

"Um I don't know." She slowly sat back and crossed her arms. "I guess, ever since high school, my mom gave me the option to either be a lawyer like her or a doctor like her parents so.. I guess that's what I want to be."

"No." I shook my head and leaned forward, staring her down as she shifted uncomfortably under my gaze. "Jasmine Amaia Martinez.. what do you want to be babe?"

Her shoulders physically dropped as she nodded. "I love cooking." A small smile covered my lips as her face lit up. "Ever since I was a kid with my easy bake oven, I fantasized about having my own restaurant. La Luna restaurante." I titled my head in confusion and she quickly answered. "The moon.. its always been magical to me so I wanted to convey that in the kitchen but.. eh, it'll never happen."

"What? You can't get me all excited for nothing." I said and she looked up as I raised from my seat, my hands in front of me as I gestured like spongebob. "La Luna restaurante, owned by the renowned Jasmine Martinez." She giggled when I sat on the table swung my legs over to get to her side, crouching next to her as I held my pencil like a mic. "Serving papas fritas uh.. other spanish words." Her eyes rolled. "What's the chefs special tonight, Miss Martinez?"

I turned the pencil to her and she playfully cleared her throat before speaking. "Tonight I'll be serving chicharrón, Ragout, and.. papas fritas." I cheered before quickly shutting up when I was hushed by the librarian.

"Sorry." I mumbled and sat in the chair besides her, smiling at her flushed face. "Well, now you have to do it."

"It's not that easy." She mumbled, the glow now replaced with glum.

"Why not?"

"My dad listens to whatever my mom says, my mom says we only do jobs that can bring in six figures. If I were to leave school to build a restaurant, she'd skin me alive. Not to mention that all my money is wired from them so I wouldn't be able to even begin to financially build what I needed." I frowned when she looked back down at her textbook dejectedly. See now I didn't like that. Just because her parents were rich and known didn't mean she had to follow their mold. She should've been able to be her own person.

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