Episode seven

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S1:Ep7 Breaking down walls


"It doesn't matter if you are deciding to become a prosecutor or defender, you will always need to remember the most important thing of becoming a lawyer. Fighting for your client."

I doodled in my notebook as Professor Hiben spoke, my mind half listening and half distracted. My phone then buzzed and I smiled. She was the reason I was half listening.

Loren🥰: I miss you too. I'm dying in my dorm.

Me: oh no, what's wrong??

Loren🥰: Aunt Flo paid my roommate and I a visit early.

Aunt who..? Why would it be bad for her aunt to visit her? I studied the message and felt like 'Aunt Flo' was some sort of code for something else, so I leaned over and whispered to Ash. "Yo," she hummed. "What does Aunt Flo mean?"

She gave me a look before shaking her head. "You are such a guy. Loren's on her period." I grimaced and moved back to my spot.

"Oh," I mumbled.

Me: Do you need anything? Like those tampon things or something?

Loren🥰: tampon things? Shouldn't you know what they're called lol. But no, I don't need a tampon thing, Y/nn

"You still haven't told her?" Ash whisper shouted with her eyes on my phone screen. "Y/nn..."

"I know," I sighed out before sitting the phone down. "I'm scared she'll freak and leave or something. What if she doesn't like that I have a dick?"

She rolled her eyes and looked at Hiben before facing me. "That girl likes you a hella lot, okay? She'll accept you and if not, I'll kick her fuckin ass." I snorted and picked my phone back up. "Now let me focus because not all of us can grasp a subject in five minutes like you."

I waved her off as I typed a reply.

Me: Right. I actually need to talk to you about something. Are you done for the day?

Loren🥰: Yeah until seven. I have a study group at seven thirty.. and what's this talk about?

Me: I'll see you after lecture :)

Loren🥰: Okay..


"You sure this is good?" I asked Vanessa from my FaceTime screen.

She nodded while sipping on a wine glass. "You got the Motrin?" I nodded. "And the chocolate?" I nodded again. "And her favorite snacks?"

"Yup." I said and proudly displayed the items.

Her eyes squinted and I felt my heart stop. "Hang on, where's the salad?"

"T-the what? I didn't know-" I stopped once she laughed loudly. "Asshole." I huffed and kept walking to her dorm. "I don't know how this shit works. I was never taught about periods or what you eat. Only thing I deal with are erections."

"Oh I know, morning wood." She smirked and I shook my head, face hot as hell. "Anyways, you coming to the party tonight?" I cocked an eyebrow. "I know you're not a party girl blah blah blah, but it'll be fun. I could show you how to turn up a bit."

"I'll think about it." When I reached Loren's door, I gave the brunette a smile from the phone. "Thanks again for the help, you're saving my life here, friend."

She gave me a small smile and nodded. "Happy to help... friend." Then she hung up.

I shrugged it off and pocketed my phone before knocking on Loren's door.

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