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I LOOKED down at the test results and gulped. There it was: a plus sign. That meant only one thing. I was pregnant.

I sighed, knowing that I have kept Freddie waiting. I immediately get out of the bathroom and see Freddie typing away on his phone.

He hears me come in and stops, looks up at me with an excited grin on his face.

"Well?" He asks, eager to know.

I bit down on my lower lip nervously, then exhale slowly.

"I'm pregnant."


Freddie is sitting on the bed with a big grin on his face.

"That's... That's great!" He gets up from where he's sitting and hugs me, then rubs my stomach affectionately.

I couldn't help but feel like I had a thousand butterflies in my stomach as I blushed.

"I'm not sure how I'll be able to adjust to this..." I said doubtfully. "I mean... I'm going to be a mother at nineteen..."

Freddie chuckled. "Am, you're going to be a brilliant mum. And ye won't be alone, you got me and the LFOUR gang."

"And Bertie." I pointed out as I rested my head on his chest.

Freddie nodded. "And Bertie."

I looked up into Freddie's eyes and for some reason, felt a magnetic pull towards him. He leans down, and as our eyes fluttered closed, our lips connected.

And for some reason, I felt a pang of guilt course through me. The only thing I could say to myself was this:

I wish we had never broken up...


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