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"YOU DIDN'T SHOOT him?!" Dameon bellowed, his nose nearly touching Evan's. Evan jolted from the sudden exclaim. He didn't know what to do, so he stood there completely frozen.

"I--I couldn't, Dameon." Evan stammered, his balled up fists were shaking. He knew he was going to get it.

"And why not?" Daemon towered over his henchman, his hot breath fanning the terrified man's face.

Evan sighed. "Highmore's girlfriend got to me before I could even pull the trigger."

"You fucking idiot," his boss sneered. "I knew I couldn't trust ye. I told you that I wanted him dead."

Without giving him time to respond, Dameon swung his fist at Evan's face; causing the young man to collapse onto the concrete ground.

"I told you: I want Highmore dead. My wish will get granted one way or another."

Daemon stomped on Evan's body as he left the Convicts hideout, leaving the traumatized man to lie on the floor in pure, agonizing pain.


"I'll take it to consideration to let 'er back in the university, Mr. Highmore," the Dean said, "I may have to speak with her sometime this week or the next."

Freddie nodded, taking the cigarette out of his mouth once he had some toxic in his system.

"Alright then," he replied. "Thank you for having this meeting with me."

The Dean looked at him wide-eyed. Freddie was never this polite. Shaking it off, he dismissed the young rebel with his hand; shooing him away.

"You may go now, Freddie." he says, "You've done enough for today."

With that, Freddie nods. He then gets up and unlocks the door, opening it while he closes it behind himself.

As he walks through the crowded hallways of Cambridge University, Freddie's heart jolts in surprise.

He sees Sandra leaning against his locker, smirking. Freddie didn't know what emotion was emerging into his system. Was it hate, anger, annoyance?

"Hey Freddie," she purred, grabbing his shirt sleeve. "Where's my boy been?"

Freddie laughed nervously, lightly taking her hand away from him as he distanced himself from her.

"I've been out," he replied. "You know how things are."

Sandra nodded. She studied Freddie a little longer, admiring his lean frame. She just wished she could get into his pants, but knowing the rules, she had to keep her hormones to herself.

If you were one of Freddie Highmore's flings, you would know not to initiate any type of sexual activity until drugs were involved or if he wanted to have a quick shag first. That's just the way things worked.

"I heard you were in the hospital," Sandra finally said, breaking the ice between the two.

Freddie froze. He didn't want to go back to those treacherous three months.

"Yeah," he breathed. "I was."

Sandra touched his face with her ice-cold hand, stroking his cheek with her manicured thumb.

"I thought it was brave what ye did for her." she said. "Sometimes I wonder if you would have ever taken that big of a risk for me."

The young man pulled Sandra close, pressing his forehead against hers as he attempted to press his lips on her skin. Almost as if he were saying farewell.


"Leave!" Freddie barked, shoving Sandra back against the wall.

"Freddie, what are you--"

"Don't fucking worry, Sandra!"

Freddie charged through the hallways of panicked students, an angered expression lingered on his face. He quickly trekked through the crowds and into the parking lot; where he kept most of his deadly weapons hidden in his trunk.

He loaded his rifle and held it underneath his arm. He didn't care for education anymore. All he wanted was to make sure Amelia got back to the school of her dreams in a safe environment.

Once he got back inside, the hallways and classroom doors were closed and empty. It was just himself and the intruder, alone in the death-defying aspect of silence.

He hid within the side of each hallway, lurking within the halls. Staying quiet, Freddie held in his breath; focusing on the sound of the person who ran the shooting spree.

Worn-out sneakers sagged against the tile floor of the school. Freddie knew the sound each shoe made when being stepped into because when he was younger, one of his cousins had someone who happened to be in the military and had also been working in a shoe factory. With each new shoe product, Freddie had gotten to test out every type of shoe that there was.
Suddenly, a figure sprinted past him, and that's when Freddie sprung out from his hideout and chased after the person running.

"Get the fuck down!" Freddie called, sprinting. His lungs began to wheeze, but at the moment he didn't care.

The person wouldn't stop. Eventually, Freddie got tired of running and aimed the weapon at the person's back, and fired.

In the blink of an eye, the person went tumbling down.

Freddie raced towards him, finding a pool of dark blood to surround the person groaning.

Kneeling down, he turned the person's face to look at his own. Once he recognized the face, he tightened his grip on the person's jaw and broke his neck.

The person he had killed was Ashton.


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