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Yuri POV.

Kai was in a good mood. Today was Saturday and of course, the reason he was in a good mood was his birthday. Even though he insisted that he wouldn't host a party and Chen was the one who prepares everything, now he was satisfied with all the preparation. The party would behold in Lay's villa, somewhere outside the city. I left the mansion with Kai and Sehun early in the morning, sharing the same car and Sehun was driving. I was sitting on the back seat, looking at him through the rear mirror. His face was serious, focus on the street. When he looked back, I threw away my gaze. Kai turned on the music, he was enjoying the ride with humming along with the song. I shifted closer to the window, looking outside. My minds wandered once again, it was always the same. Yoongi, Bangtan, job, and Oh Sehun. After that night, Sehun was quiet whenever I was with him. It wasn't like he was being cold towards me but he was like more careful around me. The next morning, I was waiting for him to fulfill his promise to take me out of the mansion but he acted like he never says it. Hell, when I woke up until I went to bed, I didn't see him for the entire day. When I asked Baekhyun where he is, Baekhyun said Sehun went to his house. That day my mood dropped and I locked myself in the room. So, when I saw him this morning, I was hoping he would smile at me and gave me an explanation of why he just left the mansion without saying anything to me. But who I was again? Nobody and it felt hurt. I realized I was wrong. What I felt was wrong. I started mixing my personal feeling in the job and it wasn't good. No, it was a sin.

We arrived at the villa in two hours. It was on the mountain and there was a small lake beside the villa. And oh God! Lay's villa wasn't any less big than his mansion in the city. It was like in the fairy tale when the princes are living the beautiful castle on top of the mountain. Their underlings came and unloading our carrier so I followed Kai and Sehun inside. The older brothers were already having a light chat in the living room, except for Lay and Chanyeol. Baekhyun was the first one to notice us and his face lit up. He stood up and went to hug me.

"Yuri~ I thought something happened with you three! Gosh, why none of you answer my call?!" Baekhyun complained.

"Ah, Hyung, you called? Sorry, my phone died and Sehun was driving, maybe he set it on silent mode." Kai answered. "Why? Why you look worried?"

Suho told them to sit with them while Baekhyun guided me away from them. Okay, I understood. The topic was forbidden for me to hear so Baekhyun brought me to the second floor, to show me my room. The room was spacious. There was a single sofa near the window, a desk, and even a bookshelf.

"This is Sehun's room but since you are with us now, this will be your room and Sehun will share a room with me. My room is just across your room so if you are need anything just come, okay?"

Sehun's room?

I nod and Baekhyun left the room. After closed the door, I looked around the room. Not like his others room, the room here was pretty..lively. There were a lot of his belongings here. There were photos on the wall as well on top of his desk. The bookshelf was full of books and photo albums. The photo albums were getting my attention the most so I went and took an album. I opened it and the first page was his photo with Kai. They were wearing the school uniform and were playing at a PC Cafe. I looked at the second page and it was his photo with a pouting Baekhyun. I opened the next pages and all the photos were about him and his brothers. But then on the last page, it was his selfie with a girl. The girl was super pretty with long brown hair. She looked..perfect. The girl was the one who took the selfie and Sehun hugged her from behind. So.. did it mean this girl was his girlfriend? But on the files Namjoon gave me, Oh Sehun didn't have a girlfriend? So who was this?

I heard footsteps from outside so I quickly closed the album and put it back on the shelf. Someone knocked on the door before I let him in but Sehun only stood at the doorframe. I lifted my eyebrow at him.

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