"Ow, ow, ow, watch the shoulder." Doc said as 10K helped him stand up. They followed Bailey over to where Warren was standing watching the tunnel entrance. "Ho-ly shit. Is that snow?"

"No, that's not snow." Warren answered Doc's question as she adjusted her machete in her belt, "That's ash. Radioactive fallout."

"So what now?" Bailey asked and Warren began to look around.

"We salvage what we can, hopefully one of these cars might still work and we can get out of here. We don't want or touch or inhale that stuff."

Third Person POV

Mack drove through the small forest on his red ATV until he found the only survivor from the Sisters of Mercy camp. She was standing above a zombie with her foot on its chest before she brought down her Z Whacker and piked its brain. She turned when she heard him approaching and seemed surprised that he'd come back.

"They're all dead." Addy said sounding choked up.

"How?" Mack asked though he didn't seem curious, his voice was pretty neutral.

"We were on the hill watching the lights –"

"I think those were nukes."

"That's what I thought. Figured what was left of the world was trying to kill itself. Anyway, the boy they banished cause he turned thirteen, he figured it out. Came back. Set the whole place on fire. And released the zombie bear."

"Well sounds like she was right about men." Mack said sounding put out which he had every right to be. Helen's actions had finally come back to bite her, Bailey would be happy to hear it – if he ever saw her again that is.

"Look, Mack –" Addy tried to explain but he just shook his head and turned back to the ATV, Addy noticed a limp in his step probably from the warning shot one of the sisters had fired when he'd come back for her, which only made her feel worse. Then there was a growling in the distance but it wasn't the usual zombie snarling.

"Bear?" Mack asked and she nodded.


"Are you coming or not?" he asked as he got on the ATV and started it up. Addy took one last look at the smoking remains of the camp before joining him and taking off with her Z Whacker over her shoulder.

Bailey POV

Luckily one of the cars had worked and they'd been able to drive out the opposite end of the tunnel and try to get out of the falling radioactive ash. They were all silent as they drove, the only sound coming from Doc occasionally as he'd groan when he'd shift in his seat. He was still gripping his bleeding shoulder and would need some serious rest before he'd be able to handle full days of traveling again.

When their car died they were in a small neighborhood maybe an hours drive outside of the last bits of ash they'd seen. It looked like they were in the clear. Bailey could tell by the way Warren looked around at their surroundings that she wanted to cover more ground before dark but then Doc groaned again as he got out of the car and 10K rushed to his side helping him out. Bailey turned to Warren and the older woman looked her way, they both knew Doc couldn't keep going. Warren gave a sigh and looked around at the small houses that surrounded them.

"Let's try to clear one of these houses, check the others for supplies and turn in for the night." She instructed and 10K nodded as Doc leaned on him. Thankfully the first house they chose seemed to be zombie free. It was small, only one floor, two bedrooms, a tiny bathroom and an open space that served as the living room, dining room and kitchen all in one. 10K helped Doc into one bedroom and Warren went to help patch his wound doing what she could for him. Bailey was in the main room looking out the window forlorningly. She heard footsteps behind her and a moment later 10K entered her peripheral vision. He looked like he had a lot on his mind and she had a pretty good idea of what his thoughts were about. Not wanting to have an awkward conversation she spoke first cutting him off just as he opened his mouth but before he could get a single syllable out.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now