"Uh, I don't know about sixty five miles or so." He said, it looked like they'd make it, "Anyway, I'm gonna miss you dude." Doc told Murphy, "How bout you Kid? What do you got planned?"

"Uh, I don't know." 10K replied, "Still got 6,998 to go. Might take a break for a while though, head up north somewhere cold. The Z's don't do too well in the cold."

"Yeah, I don't fare too well in the cold myself." Doc replied, "Roberta?"

"Uh, I don't know. Maybe follow the sun west. I've never been to California. How about you Doc?"

"Maybe I'll buy a boat and sail around the world. Find me an island where there's not even a Z in their alphabet." They all laughed. "How about you Hawthorne?"

"Umm. I don't really know. Maybe I'll head back to Utah, see how Addy's doing. Or maybe I'll just walk north until I find Camp Northern Light. Last time I talked to CZ he said something about making a database of all the members of the new Delta X-ray Delta. I could help him out with that. He seems well stocked up there. . . and lonely, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I gate crashed."


"This must be it. Citizen Z said look for a metal shed with a roll up door." Warren said as they pulled up to what looked like a small warehouse. It seemed odd to Bailey, it was even smaller than the warehouses by the reactor in South Dakota, wouldn't a lab be. . . bigger?

"Like this one?" Murphy asked eyeing the Z's that were standing in front of the door. They weren't clawing to get in, they weren't even moving, just standing still like statues or wax figures.

"What are they all looking at?" 10K asked from Bailey's left as she helped Cassandra sit up so she could see out the front window.

"Our entrance." Warren replied.

"I don't know. You think we're in the right place?" Murphy questioned, "Looks small."

Warren got out and opened Murphy's door. The second he was out of the car she slapped a pair of handcuffs on him.

"What the hell are you doing?" Bailey heard Murphy ask.

"They're looking for a group of civilians transporting a prisoner. I don't want anyone mistaking you as a zombie." Warren explained.

"Bullshit. You don't trust me. After all the times I've saved your ass."

"Trust has got nothing to do with it." She told him, "I don't want anyone piking you after we got you this far."

"Let's just get this over with." He said marching toward the Z's.

"Hey!" Warren shouted after him.

"Murphy!" Doc cried hopping out of the van. Then the Z's turned and snarled at them, Murphy walked right through and turned back one last time to give them a thumbs up as Warren and Doc jumped back into the van as the zombies charged and swarmed their vehicle.

"How much ammo do we got?" Warren asked turning in her seat to look at them.

"Two bullets." 10K replied. Even Bailey's gun was empty, she'd used most of her ammo back in Utah when she'd been practicing with 10K, the rest had been used up in the past couple of days on a Z here and there.

"I got one." Doc said.

"One?" Warren asked.

"I told ya." He said referring to earlier. Having no other option Warren rolled down her window a crack.

"Murphy!" she shouted.

"What?" he called back, "Oh, you want my help?" then he strutted forward moved through the zombies and opened the side door. "Follow me."

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now