Warren sat at a desk with her head on her folded arms, Doc was sitting on the floor leaning against the desk, Cassandra was in a chair and Bailey was by her feet. 10K lay face down on the floor, it didn't look comfortable to Bailey given that his nose was bending against the thin rug.

"So that's it? We're all just gonna lay down and die?" Murphy asked sounding aggravated. "Doc!" he called hoping at least the old man would have enough energy to play cards or make some joke.

"Knock it off Murphy." Warren said with her head still resting on her arms.

"Three days without water man, human body hits the wall." Doc said sounding tired. Bailey felt tired too as she rotated so she could lay her head on 10K's back as a pillow, beyond caring about much at this point. But she was too thirsty to sleep, she was too thirsty to move so really 'lay down and die' seemed like the only option. At least that way she'd get some rest.

"There must be thousands of them." Cassandra said listening to the muffled snarling as the Z's passed by the high window above them.

"Millions." The new guy – Otis said, "They're migrating."

"Migrating to where?" Warren asked finally lifting her head.

"South, for the winter." Otis replied.

"Z's don't like the cold." 10K mumbled into the floor.

"Kid's got it." Otis said, "We had a place up in North Dakota near Fort Yates. Quiet little place right on the river, couple dozen of us having a go. I mean, zombie bison every once in a while, but that was as bad as it got. Then the rumbling started and never stopped."

"Well where'd they come from?" Murphy asked.

"Refugee camp up in Alberta." Otis explained, "Over a million people. No food. No water. It got ugly. They all turned in a week."

"We should've kept running." Murphy grumbled.

"You couldn't get around them?" Warren asked looking for some hope.

"This herd is miles wide. I mean, it's got a mind of its own. You can't move fast enough to get around it. And every single thing it overruns just adds to its crowd. You know fast zombies, healthy zombies, like the ones that just got my friend Buck." Otis said taking out a flask and making everyone perk up.

"Hey man you gonna share that with the class?" Doc asked.

"It ain't water." Otis said after he'd taken a swig.

"Pass it around whatever it is." Warren said desperate.

"Go easy on it." Otis advised, "Homemade hooch ain't for everyone." The group passed it around but Bailey declined, 10K didn't even move from the floor. Then the pounding on the door got worse and the snarling grew louder.

"We've got to get out of here." Otis said getting out of his seat by the door and clutching his shotgun.

"He's right." Murphy said heading out a door that lead further back in the building.

"Okay, this room isn't secure." Warren said getting up, "We got to find someplace safer." She continued as Murphy returned. "What's back there?"

"Morgue." Murphy replied less than thrilled but they were out of options.

"Let's go." Warren said leading the way.

"You heard the lady, let's go!" Murphy called to the others who moved slow and weakly.

"Yeah, yeah all right." Doc said and they all followed the halls back. They ended up in one of those rooms with several metal drawers in the wall that morticians stored bodies in.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now