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Zach woke up with a smile on his face. Today was the day he was gonna see and meet his all time favorite person. Jonah Marais. To say he was nervous, was an understatement. He was quaking.

He didn't want to make a fool out of himself, but he didn't want to make Jonah think he was boring. But, he decided on being himself. What could go wrong?

Everything. When he got to the concert, the girls hated on him for being there. He then wished his cheeks weren't red, then maybe they wouldn't laugh at him for 'wearing' makeup. All he did was come and support his favorite artist, and he got hated on.

Then when Jonah performed one of Zach's favorite songs, and he started singing and crying, the girls laughed at him calling him a pansy. He wanted to have a good night, and so far it wasn't to good. Yet, he decided to make the best of it. Recording all he can, that was, until a girl bumped him on accident, making his phone fall. Now, it didn't turn on.

Zach was furious. "Oops." Was all the girl said before walking pass. "What a little-" Zach grabbed his phone, putting it away before grabbing the extra one he brought. Which he was thankful he did. "How are you all?!" Jonah screamed, as he finished singing a song.

Millions of people screamed back, Zach being one of them. Jonah smiled, makimg Zach swoon. Zach was thankful he got section 1. Up close. "Thank you so much for coming. Without you guys, I would be here right now. I would probably be in my bedroom reading Harry Potter," Jonah slightly chuckled, "seriously though. I love you guys." Everyone screamed again.

"I LOVE YOU JONAH" Zach yelled still recording, as it got quiet. "He doesn't love you though." A girl by Zach said to him. "Okay, and? Just thought I'd let him kmow-" "I love you too."

Suddenly, Zach froze. Did Jonah just say he loved him? There was no way, Zach thought, it could have been another fan. Zach looked back up at the stage as Jonah started performing his last song. Then it got to him. Jonah Marais said he loved him.

Zach let his lips form a smile, a genuine smile. He was happy. More than happy. His night was finally turning up.

Meet and greet. He was waiting in line. Being attacked. Again.

"Why are you wearing makeup? Are you like gAy?" A girl asked him. "Well, I'm gay. But I'm not wearing makeup." Zach answered back. "Why does it look like you are? Tiff, doesn't it look like he's wearing blush?" The girls friend looked at him and nodded.

"He's so wearing makeup. Maybe he's trying to impress Jonah." The girl, Tiff, said. "To bad Jonah likes girls. Even if he was gay, I think he'd find someone hotter." Zach was shook. He didn't know what to say after that. So he just looked to the side.

Then someone pushed him out of line, and well the security guard told him to go to the back. Zach wanted to cry. "Sir, all she did was push me. Just let me," Zach tried going back in line, only to get pushed back out. "Sorry, but rules are rules. You get out of line, you go to the back of the line."

Zach was disappointed. He wanted to meet Jonah and leave all these 'fans' that were hating on him. But, nonetheless, Zach went to the back of the line. "I swear, I'm gonna lose shit." Zach grumbled to himself as he reached the end of the line.

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